Installing software in Linux Mint

Why can I download app/programs with software manager but then they won't launch? Not only one. I want to look at Qbittorrent, but it won't launch, cant get Whatsie to work, telegram does not work. What am I doing wrong. This is on my installed ssd.

Have you upgrade the system since install?
from your post in #35 I downloaded it an extracted it that is meant to run from the terminal sudo ./utserver or ./utserver - on my Debian 12.5
I get this error

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

That file has been truncated from what I can tell it is not in Debian 12 repositories any longer - it is too old - now it is

µTorrent Server consist of an executable (utserver) that implements BitTorrent services and is controlled through an HTTP-based application programming interface (API)

I would recommend using qbittorrent which is available through the Synaptic Package Manager
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OK, I managed to get Qbittorrent 4.4.1 working and will now have a look at it. python3 seems to have done the trick. Thank you very much! Now we battle further!
@Erik Groothuijzen - Erik, you need to look within your Linux Mint first for an application, before you go downloading other options, or you will likely hose your system.

On Thunderbird, it already had v115 installed when you first installed it, you did not need to go and find a tar.

If you had clicked the menu button at bottom left, and then clicked Internet you would have seen that.

You need to re-train your methods, if you will let us help you.

You also need to make friends with Synaptic Package Manager, and Timeshift.

Both of these are already installed on your Linux Mint.

In Linux Mint Cinnamon when you install something like Menu and put the mouse over Sound and Video...there it is...or type HandBrake in the search box...hit enter or select it...simple.
@Erik Groothuijzen - Erik, you need to look within your Linux Mint first for an application, before you go downloading other options, or you will likely hose your system.

On Thunderbird, it already had v115 installed when you first installed it, you did not need to go and find a tar.

If you had clicked the menu button at bottom left, and then clicked Internet you would have seen that.

You need to re-train your methods, if you will let us help you.

You also need to make friends with Synaptic Package Manager, and Timeshift.

Both of these are already installed on your Linux Mint.

I am getting there. Just get very frustrated sometimes. Got everything working that I wanted and needed, mostly from within Linux eventually, and deleted all of the unwanted files. Just wanted to take a break and watch some movies from my external usb drive and, wham, the laptop reboots for no known rhyme nor reason. Continue to watch and the damn thing keeps on rebooting! Now I have to find out why. Lenovo W530 running Mint 20.3 Virginia using VLC (installed through linux).
No HandBrake to be found in mine.

Well there's you've done something wrong.

It can be installed three different ways...Software Manager...Terminal and Synaptic Package Manager...take your pick.
m01101.gif you've done something wrong.

No, Bob, sorry.

HandBrake does not ship with your 21.1, nor the OP's 21.3.

It is however, available to be installed both through Synaptic Package Manager, and Software Flatpak.

Or Terminal, as shown below

chris@VirginiaCinn-WD:~$ apt policy handbrake
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 1.5.1+ds1-1build1
  Version table:
     1.5.1+ds1-1build1 500
        500 jammy/universe amd64 Packages


Gotcha, it wasn't clear that you were listing HandBrake as an example - you just needed to reference that in relation, to say, how I explained Thunderbird.

Doesn't matter, all clear now.

Gotcha, it wasn't clear that you were listing HandBrake as an example - you just needed to reference that in relation, to say, how I explained Thunderbird.

Doesn't matter, all clear now.


As we know qbittorrent can be installed the same way too...for some reason some don't understand what I write.