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  1. bob466

    My SSD has Died and No Backups.

    I was thinking the other day...what would happen if my 500GB SSD died and I was stupid enough not to have a backup. Could I remember what I had and how long would it take to Re-Install everything. I'm not talking about a few System files but a full Backup of everything on the the...
  2. bob466

    How To Restore A Timeshift Snapshot From An External HDD.

    I'm using a 2TB External HDD Formatted to EXT4 and Timeshift set to include all files with snapshots installed and Mint Cinnamon 21.1 Live Session. With the External HDD plugged in...Boot to the Live Timeshift click Finish...go to Settings...Location and select your External...
  3. bob466

    What You Need To Know About Timeshift.

    Not long ago I started putting my Timeshift snapshots on a 2TB External HDD...I take a snapshot of all files on the Drive not just system files. Yesterday I decided to restore a snapshot...of course I did this on my spare SSD not my main SSD because I'm not that stupid and just as well. My...
  4. bob466

    How To Update Ventoy The Easy Way.

    This is a followup to...How to install Ventoy the easy way. Go to Ventoy... Download latest version... ventoy-1.0.97-linux.tar.gz and extract to where ever you like. With your Ventoy Flash Drive plugged in...Open extracted file and open a Terminal inside it...
  5. bob466

    Solved How Often Do You Trim Your SSD ?

    My internal 500GB SSD is set to run Trim daily but is this enough...I don't think so. If we don’t perform TRIM regularly we won't be able to reclaim used space on the Drive over time which means the SSD will slow down and die. So I conducted a little experiment running this command manually...
  6. bob466

    Solved Can You Trim A Portable SSD ?

    Some time ago I purchased a 1TB portable SSD to replace my portable HDD for storing my images. Portable SSD is formatted to EXT4. The SSD works well and has never given me any trouble...every now and then I'd plug it into the USB port and run the Trim command. About a week ago I thought...How...
  7. bob466

    How Many Terabytes Has My SSD Written ?

    This has bothered me for some time...according to Samsung my 500GB SSD TBW (Terabytes Written) is 2400 and has a 5 year warranty. This SSD is nearly 5 years how many Terabytes has it written ? The answer is simple and easy to work out...those who are scared of the Terminal look away...
  8. bob466

    The Mint Cinnamon Live Session.

    When I first switched to Linux and discovered the Live Session, I couldn't believe what you can do with it as there's nothing like it elsewhere, and we know where elsewhere is. If you're a beginner, take the time to have a look at some of the things listed below because you never know when you...
  9. bob466

    Are You Scared Of The Terminal ?

    It seems many beginners are and there's no need to be, it's just a tool that comes in very handy sometimes. So I thought let's have some fun to give beginners some confidence. Want to see a train...install this command... sudo apt install sl Once installed type this in the Terminal and hit...
  10. bob466

    I Customised My Terminal.

    Last week after 9 years of running Linux Mint Cinnamon...I got this idea to change the look of my Terminal. Don't know why it took so long...not something I've wanted to do but I saw this...and gave it a try...
  11. bob466

    Is Linux Really That Harder Than windoze ?

    How to clear Ram cache in windoze... How to clear Ram cache in Linux Mint Cinnamon... Before... After...with one command... You be the judge. Since Linux doesn't slow down is it really worth doing this in the first place...maybe just something to know.
  12. bob466

    How Long Do HDDs,SSDs and Flash Drives Last.

    Well it's not as log as I thought...especially SSDs... As we say...Backup...Backup...Backup and hope the backup Drive doesn't fail.
  13. bob466

    Why Linux Mint Cinnamon Is Better Than windoze 11.

    Of cause I knew this...if you're a beginner thinking to switching to this...
  14. bob466

    More Linux Users Very Soon.

    I didn't think I'd see the day when a windoze guy suggests people switch to Linux. There are so many reasons why Linux is so much better...the above is one of the best...Linux Forever.
  15. bob466

    Is It Worthwhile Saving Timeshift Snapshots To An External Device?

    That's what I was thinking the other I did a little experiment as I've never done this before. I Formatted a Portable 2TB External HDD to EXT4...changed Timeshift to create a Snapshot on the External HDD which took for ever... I then created another Snapshot which also took a long...
  16. bob466

    How Do You Know When Your Power Supply Fails.

    You press the Tower's Power button and nothing happens. That happened least I was right about my Motherboard failing a few months ago because I put in my old power supply and nothing happened but this time the old power supply started it strait away. I have a new one just have...
  17. bob466

    One Of The Best Beatles Songs and Videos.

    To see all four Beatles preforming again is's hard to believe over 40 years yesterday since the murder of John lennon...the world was never the same.
  18. bob466

    How To Restore A Timeshift Snapshot From The Live Session In Mint Cinnamon 21.1

    If you’re a beginner...learning to use Timeshift is a must as it can come in very handy. There are two ways to restore a Timeshift Timeshift and choose a Snapshot and click Restore. The other way is to Boot to the Live Session because sometimes you may not be able to open...
  19. bob466

    Why Do I Bother

    I spend much time researching the Tutorials I create and post on this Forum that are easy to understand...use and work...many hours on websites and watching videos. Linux is a community where we help each other...some people forget this. I could keep this information to myself but won't because...
  20. bob466

    How To Install BalenaEtcher In Linux Mint.

    When you download BalenaEtcher and double click to open get...Unknown file type. Choose a program or cancel...there’s an easy way open it. Right click and choose Properties and click Permissions...go to Access...change Read-only to Read and write...then put a tick in Execute. When you...