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  1. CaffeineAddict

    I'm having issues rendering PDF files in Firefox

    Yeah, there is also 6y old bug here: But I didn't have this problem until recently, it worked fine before. I also tried in private browser window (without any extensions) and the result is same, garbled PDF.
  2. CaffeineAddict

    I'm having issues rendering PDF files in Firefox

    Thanks, that's what I already did and set it to KDE's okular PDF viewer which works to open PDF in external program and is readable just fine, but I'd like to read PDF files in firefox. Had same problem without any PDF viewers installed, when firefox was the only one set in Applications...
  3. CaffeineAddict

    Today's article isn't going to apply to many of you...

    Stack Exchange posts are all CC license, so you can simply copy paste their content trough "share" link for attribution. Open source software like from GitHub are different things all together and their licenses might consume more space than entire article.
  4. CaffeineAddict

    VPN Help

    Did you know that American NSA, CIA and other organisations according to European law have the right to demand user data of EU residents if a person using the service is considered terrorist or criminal? More info here: This...
  5. CaffeineAddict

    [info] Easy way to sort alphabetically a mess of words in a text file

    There is no malware of any kind in VSCode, it's popular open source project reviewed by many, and the extension itself is 3rd party extensions also available on GitHub, thus also malware free. In my case to fire up VSCode takes no more than 2 seconds (large project), and added benefit is that...
  6. CaffeineAddict

    Today's article isn't going to apply to many of you...

    That was a joke ofc. yeah feel free to include the solution in your article. I have nothing against it because I harvested this method elsewhere on the internet the hard way and I guarantee it's not plagiarism but my own post is my own interpretation of knowledge I harvested. Please don't take...
  7. CaffeineAddict

    I'm having issues rendering PDF files in Firefox

    Sample PDF file to test is below: Rendering the same PDF when downloaded and opened with KDE's okular it renders just fine. Here is how it renders in my Firefox v126.0 (sometimes entire PDF page is blinking and getting dark):
  8. CaffeineAddict

    Today's article isn't going to apply to many of you...

    You have my full royalty free, exclusive, non-revocable Copyright permission to do so :)
  9. CaffeineAddict

    I think im getting hacked

    Please check keyboard layout is same as it was when you created the password, ex. English keyboard layout was and is used. Because keyboard layout in that context is always the same. CMOS reset should reset BIOS password, the procedure depends on your motherboard, please share it.
  10. CaffeineAddict

    [info] Easy way to sort alphabetically a mess of words in a text file

    You can sort words or sentences in any manner (alphabetically, inverse etc.) with "Sort Lines" VSCode extension. Just open your subject file into VSCode and sort it.
  11. CaffeineAddict

    VPN Help

    Yes, but you also need to be aware that any service might orchestrate "required by the law" only to log your traffic. Additionally, you need to know that some TOS and Privacy Policy might implicitly allow services to start log your traffic even if not required by the law, for example if they...
  12. CaffeineAddict

    Audiocraft Installation on Ubuntu

    Hello, how exactly did you attempt to install it and what exactly did you screw? ex. What errors did you get?
  13. CaffeineAddict

    VPN Help

    "no log" whether vpn, search engine, email or what ever other service you should always read TOS and Privacy Policy of those services because the law may require them to START logging your traffic at any time. If they say "we don't log" doesn't mean "we may not start to do it if the law...
  14. CaffeineAddict

    Today's article isn't going to apply to many of you...

    For those who use unbound DNS resolver it's as simple as restarting the service (or system): sudo systemctl restart unbound
  15. CaffeineAddict

    PDF file.

    You can use calibre book manager to convert PDF to other format that's spellcheck-able and then do spellchecking on the output file.
  16. CaffeineAddict

    What You Need To Know About Timeshift.

    It's very simple, turn on the monitor :p
  17. CaffeineAddict

    No internet while connected to Hotspot?

    Hello, welcome to the forums. Please provide detailed IP addressing configuration including DNS for both your hotspot device and host trying to connect. Also provide host OS and hotspot OS version used. If possible provide relevant screenshots. The more information you provide grater the chance...
  18. CaffeineAddict

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    The AI can provide me with informations that I consider to be hints rather than authoritative answers. But I want authoritative answers most of the time, I'm person who want's to be 100% sure about anything, but AI algorithms do not give me that guarantee.
  19. CaffeineAddict

    Am I Stupid?

    You're not stupid, but I assure you at least 80% of open source code if you want to use it you have to be able to understand the language being used and be able to fix and adapt the code to your needs. Good open source coders are rare so good luck finding their repos and be ready to fix stuff...
  20. CaffeineAddict

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    I used the AI only once, it was about searching rare grimoires and asking the AI to sort them according to expensivness and rarity. This kind of stuff is hard to find online and the AI was helpful, but otherwise I don't respect, trust or use the AI.