Linux veteran returns


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Jan 27, 2024
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Hello my name is Chip

I started my Linux journey when I was in either Middle or High school when i purchased a book that I think had the title 'The Red Hat Linux Bible' of something to that effect. My entrance to daily use of Linux was a trail by fire because I started by using Red Hat or was it Debian and proceeding to configure it as a file and print server for our home network. I also continued my Linux journey in College at this point I was using Slackware and other more complex Linux Variants.

Hello Chip,
Welcome to the forum, Enjoy the journey!
Your in good company here. I started with slackware in the mid 90's and moved to Redhat Then on to other distros over time.
I'm now using Mint and am less likely to do all that configuration that was needed back in the old days :) I left windows behind after windows 7 and haven't looked back.
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The Red Hat Linux Bible'
coo i just about remember that, 2000 or there abouts for Red hat only back then, made me check and there is a 5th edition out for red hat enterprise and Fedora

Welcome to the forums
G'day Chip and welcome from DownUnder.

Chris Turner
Welcome, Chip. Glad to have you onboard.

You'll find we're an eclectic bunch here, with various members using Linux for all sorts of things.....and at all different levels. (Bit like most Linux communities, if I'm honest). From the idiots - like me; using 'Puppy' Linux.....and running it as 'root' (gasp!) - to those who really take their subject seriously. But whatever the level of enthusiasm, and whatever the degree of (in)competence (!) :p , we always try to help out with a smile....

Stick around. And enjoy your time here...

Mike. ;)
we always try to help out with a smile....

I overheard a lady giving her passphrase to her bank on the phone. She repeated it several times and the volume on the phone was loud enough so that I could clearly hear it. It's not my fault for hearing her conversation. It's her fault for having the volume that loud while in public. Also, banking in public on the phone is probably a bad idea, but I digress.

The reason I tell you all that is so that I can tell you this...

I thought her passphrase was awesome.

It was, "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."

I liked that.
Welcome to the Forum.

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