Problème terminale


New Member
Dec 14, 2022
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Bonjour ,

j'ai installé linux Red Hat 8.1 Version d'essai , lorsque j'essaye d'exécuter un programme s'appelle Testcadre (qui souligne le cadre du terminale ) j'obtient un cadre qui manque une partie à droite , en faite la commande stty -a donne cols 37 , rows 100 alors que au paravent j'ai testé ce programme sur Red Hat 5.7 et le résultat est bon sachant que ssty -a donne cols 24 , rows 80 Toujours en parle du mode texte , au niveau graphique j'ai aucun souci je travail avec Xterm , j'ai même essayer avec les fonts .gz qui existent sans aucun résultat .Merci de m'aider .

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Hello ,

I installed linux Red Hat 8.1 Trial version, when I try to run a program called Testframe (which underlines the terminal frame) I get a frame that is missing a part on the right, in fact the command stty -a gives cols 37 , rows 100 while previously I tested this program on Red Hat 5.7 and the result is good knowing that ssty -a gives cols 24 , rows 80 Still talking about text mode, at the graphics level I have no problem, I work with Xterm, I even tried with the existing .gz fonts without any results. Thank you for helping me.
Moved to our Red Hat subforum.

Good luck and welcome.

Chris Turner
Comparing software being able to run between 3 majors versions apart isn't a good comparison, especially since Rhel5 has been end of life for quite a few years.
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hamzabilel wrote:
the command stty -a gives cols 37 , rows 100 while previously I tested this program on Red Hat 5.7 and the result is good knowing that ssty -a gives cols 24 , rows 80 Still talking about text mode
Just in case it's not clear, the linux kernel usually boots displaying in 80x24 text format, and then changes to using a framebuffer for display which makes more room for text, and the kernel lets you know what it's doing as it boots, for example, on this machine:
[flip@flop ~] dmesg | grep it frame
[    0.450204] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48

I can't say whether TestFrame works on a framebuffer or not. Couldn't find that detail on the github site.
If you want to boot to a text prompt without the framebuffer you could try adding the kernel parameter: nomodeset, or the parameter: fbcon=map:2, to the kernel command line before it boots.
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