Today's article explains why you might want to use VSCodium instead of VSCode.


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Jul 23, 2020
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If you use Visual Studio Code, then there's some telemetry involved and not everything is released under a free license. VSCodium addresses those two issues. It's not really a review or anything. It's mostly there to help make more people aware that it exists.

Feedback is awesome.

Telemetry is off by default in VSCode.
VScodium has issues with the MS extension store.
VScodium can be installed on most distros easy enough.

I use VSCode, you can easily go through the settings to make sure telemetry is off.
On a Raspberry PI all you have to do install VSCode is:
sudo apt install code
sudo apt install code-insiders
Installed: 1.58.2-1626300392
Candidate: 1.58.2-1626300392
Version table:
*** 1.58.2-1626300392 500
500 buster/main arm64 Packages
500 bullseye/main arm64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
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On a Raspberry PI all you have to do install codium is:

It's seemingly growing in numbers, with regards to default repos that it's in. Which OS is it with the Pi?
Distro: Raspberry Pi OS base: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
My sources:
inxi -r
Repos:     Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list
           1: deb unstable main contrib non-free
           2: deb experimental main contrib non-free
           Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list
           1: deb buster main
           2: deb bullseye main
By process of elimination, it's not in Debian's repos, it must be an package.
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 1.59.0-1626758060
Version table:
1.59.0-1626758060 500
500 buster/main arm64 Packages
500 bullseye/main arm64 Packages

Installed: 1.58.2-1626300392
Candidate: 1.58.2-1626300392
Version table:
*** 1.58.2-1626300392 500
500 buster/main arm64 Packages
500 bullseye/main arm64 Package

VSCodium isn't in either, but it can be added to your sources using Extrepo.
Description: External repository manager
External repositories are additional software package repositories that
are not maintained by Debian. Before extrepo, maintainers of such
repositories would suggest that you download and execute an (unsigned)
shell script as root, or that you download and install their (unsigned)
package, which is not ideal for security.
The extrepo package tries to remedy this, by providing a curated list
of external repositories that can be enabled by a simple command,
allowing unsigned scripts to be replaced by a simple "extrepo enable

Or you could follow the directions at:
Yeah, the authors of VSCodium did such a good job that I didn't even bother trying to hard to explain any installation details and just linked to their page. It's easily installed and they actually do a good job describing the process.
As far as I can tell they are both MIT License with opensource code?
From git log history:
* 889fc9ed824 Remove telemetry appender from embedder API
* 9f83b385d4e remove telemetry, update jsdoc,
* 2e90c0333b1 Remove telemetry command (#76477)
* 86153ec38c5 remove telemetry #44860
* 8f42e2d154e Remove telemetry related part of the PR
* 9a06ffca783 Remove telemetry prefix
* 0d137aa135e remove telemetry experiment
* 3fe81fc828a remove telemetry to track who is using internal snippet synatx, #3210
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Only part of it is under the MIT License according to the folks behind the fork. I have not personally gone through the code and license myself.
Looking at the vscode git log history it seems the telemetry has been removed.
That's pretty unlike Microsoft and I would have to read all the code to make sure of it.

I ain't gonna do that. LOL I am gonna trust the folks behind the fork and the couple other sites I looked at.

You may be correct and the project now has no reason to exist. dunno.

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