Recent content by CaffeineAddict

  1. CaffeineAddict

    KDE Plasma 5.23.5 Crashes

    Probably safer method is to reinstall KDE. And also I would stick to 1 DE only, multiple DE's equal multiple possible problems.
  2. CaffeineAddict

    Can I completely stop memory caching?

    Windows will hide a ton of things from you because MS doesn't want to confuse users with technical stuff, If you rely on Task Manager (a qualified liar) then I suggest you switch to Process Explorer for more technical data layout To understand Windows memory the best article is called "Pushing...
  3. CaffeineAddict

    (Solved) I need help playing preinstalled windows games on Xubuntu

    My method that works in say 90% of the cases is Lutris with wine-ge, and if not working then I install wine-staging from wineHQ and use that in Lutris to run games, this fixes games which don't usually run with wine-ge. But I play only GOG games in spite of DRM, all of them except 1 (Revival...
  4. CaffeineAddict

    Can I completely stop memory caching?

    @Diputs There are also CPU caches, aka. L1, L2, L3 etc cache. These are the fastest caches on a PC, what follows is RAM cache followed by disk cache. Each one of these from L1 toward disk cache is significantly slower. Eliminating either one of the cache basically means moving the cache to...
  5. CaffeineAddict

    Running Windows 11 live?

    @fx9 I could help but to do so I would need to be there or have a ton of information possibly to reproduce the problem. In any case solution with VM should exist, it's only if you're willing to troubleshoot, if not, having 2 disks is not bad idea and it's straightforward.
  6. CaffeineAddict

    Multiple issues experienced with Debian Bookworm ( on a Lenovo IdeaPad I7 - any assistance would be appreciated!

    You get automatically notified by running sudo apt update as long as you have backports set up in your sources.list
  7. CaffeineAddict

    Can I completely stop memory caching?

    can't help with that but know that caching is a good thing for performance, you might end up releasing some memory but degrading performance. Also it's very likely that this cache in memory is swapped out to disk as soon as more memory is needed for dynamic allocation, meaning it does not...
  8. CaffeineAddict

    Running Windows 11 live?

    If you need windows only to be able to use guitar software but want Linux for everything else then I suggest you run Windows in a VM. The only problem is whether anything needs to be passed trough, like sound card and so on.
  9. CaffeineAddict

    Can I completely stop memory caching?

    If you're referring to caching as seen in htop (orange memory bar), that's file cache, files loaded into memory instead of being read from disk. To remove this cache you can increase swappiness.
  10. CaffeineAddict

    Difficulty Changing The Font Size in KDevelop on Slackware 15 Stable

    I see your plasma is out of date as well as frameworks version etc.
  11. CaffeineAddict

    Difficulty Changing The Font Size in KDevelop on Slackware 15 Stable

    I'm not sure but I think your 1st screenshot shouldn't be used at all to configure fonts. I'm configuring them all here as follows:
  12. CaffeineAddict

    Do I necessarily need rufus or another tool to install an OS iso on a laptop with a usb boot?

    This is new to me, the question is, does WSL modify the ISO like rufus and other similar tools... Also I'm really surprised MS would offer an official method on how to install Linux on Windows, it's rather strange, isn't Linux their competition? it's really odd.
  13. CaffeineAddict

    Do I necessarily need rufus or another tool to install an OS iso on a laptop with a usb boot?

    If you're asking whether you need to use any tool at all as opposite to some manual setup then yes, the only pure blood manual setup I can think of is burning the ISO to a DVD. I'm not aware of install via WSL, but I had only bad experience with WSL, it was buggy to setup last time I used it...
  14. CaffeineAddict

    Do I necessarily need rufus or another tool to install an OS iso on a laptop with a usb boot?

    It depends on which OS you're running now, if it's Windows then rufus is bad choice, unetbootin is bad choice too. seems to be better choice according to others although I never tried it.
  15. CaffeineAddict

    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    I already said that in another thread, but the issue with current state of AI is that it's answers are not authoritative, for instance you can't ask the AI for a legal advice. You also need to care when it comes to simple thing like fixing your PC because by following AI answers it might lead to...