Recent content by truckerDave

  1. truckerDave

    Security Alert

    Info for Ubuntu users
  2. truckerDave

    Black screen on startup

    It's a shame I didn't read this thread sooner. I might have saved you some frustration. I had a few issues with my new self built PC. Edge was suggested to me and it fixed it right up.
  3. truckerDave

    Solved Good intuitive Linux CAD program?

    Nah. I refuse to use "cloud based" programing. But if it works for you, have at it.
  4. truckerDave

    Add braces to a command

    As @wallis said, his code works as a terminal command. So, I would be asking the same question. Why not in a bash, if it works in terminal? It doesn't really make sense to me. And as I'm a newb, that's to be expected.
  5. truckerDave

    Why Does My Wallpaper Not Load up At Startup?

    I would suggest starting a new thread. As this one is fairly old and may not really be relevant to your particular issue.
  6. truckerDave

    Solved Good intuitive Linux CAD program?

    I've used it for roughly an hour now. This will most certainly work for my purposes.
  7. truckerDave

    Solved Good intuitive Linux CAD program?

    Thank You!! 2D is what I am looking for. And QCad looks the part so far. I just installed it and am already able to get a grasp of it. Very (early) AutoCad like. I dabble in woodworking and on occasion don't want to bother breaking out the abacus and slide rule to figure out angles etc. It's...
  8. truckerDave

    Solved Good intuitive Linux CAD program?

    That didn't take long. :D $300/yr is a bit pricey for something I would probably only use once or twice a year. But I do appreciate the lead!
  9. truckerDave

    Solved Good intuitive Linux CAD program?

    Can't say I have as I've never heard of it til now. I'll go check it out.
  10. truckerDave

    Solved Good intuitive Linux CAD program?

    I've downloaded and installed LibreCad, Openscad, FreeCad, and Sagcad from the Linux Mint Software Manager. I used AutoCadd for years as a draftsman for an engineering firm a long time ago. And for the surveying company I was employed at for over 16 years. So, I at least used to know my way...
  11. truckerDave

    Urgent & Important :

    I was a land surveyor for over 15 years. Garlic was my remedy for keeping the skeeters away. I would take a garlic supplement daily. Along with the normal intake of being married to an Italian. Man! I don't miss her. But I do miss the food!
  12. truckerDave

    [info] Easy way to sort alphabetically a mess of words in a text file

    I only watched a few seconds as I dislike "reading" videos. I'd much rather read a web page that I don't have to pause and search back if things move too fast for me. Regardless, thank you for the effort you put in to making the video.
  13. truckerDave

    I think im getting hacked

    I have an eraly-mid 2000s Toshiba laptop that has hit asphalt from the seat of a Peterbilt. Yeah. Don't lay things on a jacket with one door open and open the other door while the wind is in hurricane mode! Laptop got a few scratches. But still runs to this day. (as long as it's plugged in :cool: )
  14. truckerDave

    I think im getting hacked

    Being able to do that would depend on how old the OP's laptop is. The majority of newer machines no longer have a battery. Not sure why. But I'd probably guess being able to do what you suggest is now considered a security issue.
  15. truckerDave

    ffmpeg not playing sound correctly

    I think the issue I was having (since it reared it's ugly head again) is that playing the sound from bash causes whichever player I tried to clip the beginning of the sound file. I ended up adding 0.5 seconds of silence to the beginning of the wav file and switched to the following script to get...