Recent content by APTI

  1. APTI

    web hosting

    I will take the other direction and tell you who I use. I use winhost (sorry guys but I write .net websites so I use a windows host), but they have plans as low as $5 per month for hosting. html and css will run on pretty much anything so no worries there.
  2. APTI

    Installing Linux Mint

    we also used to think that a 40 meg hard drive was enough to last a lifetime. Now we would toss it out. Go big. The cost difference from 250 to 500 is negligible. For a laptop you will need to decide if you want windows at all. If not then hold the old drive and you have windows when you want...
  3. APTI

    Installing Linux Mint

    It sounds like you have windows. you also have a 250G drive. Never thought I'd say this years ago but a 250G drive is pretty small. Linux will have a field day with it if it has all of it. but windows after all the bloat will not leave you much of a drive to use. I do some small installs and...
  4. APTI

    Am I Stupid?

    I am just learning Kali so not familiar with webshells. as you can tell I am trying new programs out some with issues.
  5. APTI

    Am I Stupid?

    thought that would catch the attention. I am attempting to install some stuff in Kali. specifically I was trying webshag but I download it, and when I go to configure or build or even follow the directions I get tons of syntax errors. Such as missing parenthesis on the perl print statements etc...
  6. APTI

    Help for choiche a good Linux distro for AMD cpu

    I would use either Ubuntu, Mint, or Fedora You said you are new so you need to stick to those that are easy. Kali and Manjaro being for more advanced people you need to STAY AWAY from those as a beginner. Trust us experienced people, stick with one of those I mentioned.
  7. APTI

    bad gateway error 502

    in all seriousness I have seen cloudflare do this to other sites but not as bad as what is happening here. I blame cloudflare.
  8. APTI

    Server Networking (?)

    what he is doing is running various services mostly for gaming on different VM's but all on same server. Different requests will go to different VM to be processed. Different ports (mostly) for different requests. That part is still being worked out. at the moment if I understood right he wants...
  9. APTI

    Server Networking (?)

    I live rural and am the only technology store within 50 miles. My girlfriend understands about 65% of what I say in computers but without that I would have nobody get me. I understand the plight.
  10. APTI

    bad gateway error 502

    what you described is exactly what I am experiencing. nice to know I am not suffering alone.
  11. APTI

    Server Networking (?)

    I am happy to help, many others on the forum also happy to help. Some may be able to walk you through step by step, I have not done what you are trying so I can only give so much. I understand what you want to do and how though.
  12. APTI

    bad gateway error 502

    yes they are not terrible, just annoying that I can't get in when I want. Main concern was that it got so frequent this week that I wondered if something might be wrong on the web server end. although it could just be one of the band-aids that holds the technology together with the ISP might...
  13. APTI

    bad gateway error 502

    I must have alot of bad timing lately or are you saying we are under a dos attack because the thread was fairly old.
  14. APTI

    Server Networking (?)

    The will work as it redirects to the port specified, however if 2 things have the same port then you may need to change one. Don't forget that you can forward incoming port 123 to on port 99 if you wish. You can use that to deal with duplicate ports or to hide...
  15. APTI

    Cloning an SSD

    never had a problem with clonezilla, but you do have to know how to work it if the defaults do not work. I agree with try to see which uuid is the one you want to have as source, something has to differentiate them.