Resizing /home by deleting it and recreating it

I'm curious why your root partition needs to be bigger than 80GB?

I understand 4TB is pretty massive, and I am not a server person like you (i just use linux distros for home and creative use). What goes in the root directory in that context?

One word, docker

As I explained, I did it all in multiuser mode. /home is simple, it's the var and stuff that would require single.

I don't need terabates in / it's just that it is a single partition - everything is under / except for /home (Redhat's weird partitioning scheme). Thus if I need 3TB in /var, I need to expand / to that size.

The other option I could have engaged is gparted, I've used it before and it's pretty good at shrinking / resizing partitions.
But in my case, deleting completely and recreating was safer. I am just kind of mildly irritated by lack of critical thinking and being proactive. Who needs 98% of space in the /home partition? On a production machine? That's what I always pick my own sizes, the one time that I don't, I have regrets.

I mean RHEL is a OS for production enterprise grade data centers, it is a very poor choice for a personal machine unless just must have it. What system layout would work in a data center? With storage perhaps measured in Terabytes if not Petabytes? Perhaps a bit different than a personal Buntu box with 500GB SSD.
The reason most of the space is for the home folder is because that is where user data goes and we are figuring that most people are users and need the space. Where else do you want the space? the root folders are small because they need enough room to do upgrades and that is about it. Be careful the size of the root because if it is too small updates will not work. I have had to expand root for that reason in the past. The only exception is I do have a mysql server that is also working security system. The root is the majority of room because for that it needs it. Otherwise 98% going to home and users is what we want most times. Exception being special servers and it is figured that you know enough if you are setting that up to partition accordingly.
Redhat is not a user-oriented OS. It's targeting corporate, gov, military, medical, insurance etc. data centers which run some database like Oracle with some application on top of it like SAP or such.

Oracle or MySQL or another DB cannot be installed in /home, or use any files in /home. Well it can but it is STIG violation. (CAT 1 finding). The systems are audited for security vulnerabilities and if the scan finds anything in /home, it flags it.
Oracle is typically installed in /opt or /usr/local/bin or such.
The DB/app generates huge log files which requires /var/log. Other apps generate huge log files in /var/log which typically has to be a separate mount point with even more space allocated. Again it's a finding if /var/log is not on a separate filesystem.

I am not talking about a personal machine you run in your room with a 1TB HDD but storage which is measured in Petabytes, FiberChannel, load-balancing, 10GB network, internal disks in RAID5 format, Network Attached Storage (NAS), latest-greatest GPUs which cost like a car, et cetera, et cetera.
It's a much different animal that what a personal user might want. It has to scale to that and this in mind, has to accommodate the target audience out of the box. So when I go with the defaults out of the box and they don't scale up to what I need to do, it shows me they don't understand target audience. That's all.
Is there one person on here who runs Redhat for personal use, pays for all the BS registration/licensing/subscription nonsense just to be able to use the box and enjoys it?
I thought all this was obvious.

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