Turn on / off Linux servers with IFTTT button


Staff member
Oct 27, 2011
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IFTTT stands for "If This Then That" and currently allows me to power on and off my Linux servers. Below i'll lay out exactly how I accomplished this.

  • Linux server with out-of-band (ilo, idrac)
  • Always-on Linux server (I'm using an odroid c2)
  • Dropbox account
  • Optional: Ability to create IFTTT widget buttons on your phone
Our setup
  • L1: Linux Server we want to control
  • L2: L1's out-of-band connection
  • L3: Always-on linux server
Set up the control scripts
SSH to L3, cd to /usr/local/bin/ and create two scripts; one to turn on L1, one to turn off L1

Turning on L1
Create a file called L1-on.exp and paste in one of the two expect scripts below to control power-on depending on whether you have a Dell with iDrac or HP with iLo.

(Dell with iDrac)
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# Replace root@L2 and IDRAC-PASSWORD-HERE with your settings
spawn ssh root@L2
expect "password: "
expect "admin1-> "
send "racadm serveraction powerup\r"
sleep 2
expect "admin1-> "
send "exit\r"

(HP with iLo)
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# Replace Administrator@L2 and ILO-PASSWORD-HERE with your settings
spawn ssh Administrator@L2
expect "password: "
expect "</>hpiLO-> "
send "power on\r"
sleep 2
expect "iLO-> "
send "exit\r"

Turning off L1 using SSH
(note: you will need to have ssh keys set up from L3 to L1, or use an expect script to enter in the password, etc..)

ssh root@L1 "shutdown -h now"

Download / set up the dropbox CLI tool
Follow instructions to set up the dropbox_uploader.sh tool here:
(I keep dropbox_uploader.sh in /usr/local/bin/)

Set up ifttt
Create two applets. Each one will create a text file on dropbox.
To turn on server
Create applet to create a file called l1up.txt with any/no content and note the Dropbox path. My path is Google/ifttt/

To turn off server
Create applet to create a file called l1off.txt with any/no content and note the Dropbox path. My path is Google/ifttt/

optional widget buttons
Create widget buttons on your phone to easily power on/off your servers from the applets you created. I'm not sure if iOS can do this or not but know Android can.

Call one L1-up and the other L1-off.

Create and set up the dropbox monitoring script
(Back on L3 again.. ) We need to create a script in /usr/local/bin/ which I call monitor-ifttt.sh. Here are the contents. You will want to change your hostnames. This file grabs files from the Dropbox: Google/ifttt/ directory. It will also log startups / shutdowns in /tmp/L1.log.


# Check your paths here
/usr/local/bin/dropbox_uploader.sh list Google/ifttt > /tmp/ifttt


# Monitor to turn L1 on - check your paths here
if grep -q l1up "$File"; then
   /usr/local/bin/dropbox_uploader.sh delete Google/ifttt/l1up.txt && /bin/rm /tmp/ifttt && echo "Time: $(date) started L1" >> /tmp/L1.log && /usr/local/bin/l1-on.exp

# Monitor to turn L1 off - check your paths here
if grep -q l1off "$File"; then
   /usr/local/bin/dropbox_uploader.sh delete Google/ifttt/l1off.txt && /bin/rm /tmp/ifttt && echo "Time: $(date) shutdown L1" >> /tmp/l1.log && /usr/local/bin/l1-off.sh

Make it executable:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/monitor-ifttt.sh

Set it up in cron to run every minute:

* * * * * /usr/local/bin/monitor-ifttt.sh

Put it all together
By clicking your L1-up IFTTT shortcut/button you create the l1up.txt text file in Dropbox. The above script running once/minute will check Dropbox, see it, delete it, log it, and run the script to turn on L1 (by running the expect script into the out-of-band connection).

  1. Push your IFTTT L1-on button
  2. File is created in Dropbox
  3. Script checks for file, deletes it, logs it, starts script to power on L1 through L2
Did it work? Post a comment if you're having trouble.
