debian 12

  1. InvaderSumo

    Need instructions for MTK Client for linux

    I'm trying to flash the boot loader for my Motorola G pure (2021) but Motorola doesn't allow flashing boot loader for that specific brand. but their is a work around ive read about for people who know what they're doing. In my case. I'm VERY unfamiliar with this. Its called the MTK Client, and...
  2. CaffeineAddict

    Solved Are iptables an obstacle if using nftables?

    I have nftables configured and that's what's used for firewalling, but out of curiosity I've run iptables in terminal and figured out it's installed and configured to allow all traffic. I'm not sure how is it possible that 2 firewalls are installed at the same time. I don't know if iptables...
  3. T

    Horrible visual issue on Debian

    I've recently installed Debian on a fresh system with a new SSD but it has stopped being usable, now I can only reach the login screen which is 50% white. The screen flickers to fully white when I move the mouse and on login the screen goes fully black (no signal to the monitor). I can access...
  4. U

    strange DNS requests

    Hi, I did a fresh install of Debian gnome shell with default settings, but I notice that the system makes daily DNS requests for two domains, and, the most strange was a DNS application for the domain, I have no Telegram client installed and I was not...
  5. vs2-free-users

    Quick guide Debian Setting up wireguard on a server (wireguard-go)

    Quick guide Debian Setting up wireguard on a server (wireguard-go) Preface Since you cannot currently use the standard wireguard on the vs2-free (not active in the kernel), I have taken a look at how you can still use wireguard. In my instructions I have used 2 vs2-free hosts. Of course you...
  6. C

    Virtual machine display resolution change help

    Hello, I downloaded Virtual Machine Manager to use multiple OSes on my laptop, and I made Windows 11 virtual machine. but the screen was too small...(640x480 in bios settings, 1280x800 in Windows settings. Native is 1920x1080) So I searched about this problem and it said "Go to bios>Device...
  7. P

    Issue with Remmina: after an RDP session is concluded, physical logins to the server shows only a black screen and mouse.

    (I posted this question in the Remmina Reddit page - but since my account is in "Pending" state for the past few days, I figured on mentioning this issue here.) I am using a Debian 12 laptop, remotely connecting via Tailscale to the Rocky 9 desktop system. While I am able to remotely access...
  8. P

    Setting up Remmina to connect from Debian 12 laptop to Rocky 9 desktop - audio isn't working.

    Finally able to get the connection working with the Remmina client on my Debian 12 laptop, to my Rocky 9 XRDP server - both are physical devices. Currently experiencing an issue in which the audio from the server isn't registering on the Lenovo Ideapad laptop, though. No error message shows -...
  9. T

    NVIDIA install guide

    This is thorough, current (as of 01/26/2024), and hopefully newb-friendly. If a newb follows my guide step-by-step, they will succeed in getting their NVIDIA working (and working well) on Debian 12, but also learn many valuable things about Linux while doing it. There is a lot of information...
  10. Poet5526

    Solved Stuck on Boot Screen After Running sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade in Debian 12

    The system initially booted up correctly after installing Wi-Fi and NVIDIA drivers and restarting. But after running updates with sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, and then restarting once more, the system is now getting stuck during boot.
  11. F

    HP 14dq2xxx reboot to back screen?

    Good morning, I have been fighting with an issue for several months in regards to a reboot issue on my HP 14-dq2xxx laptop currently with Debian 12. This was an upgrade from Debian 11 where I had this issue. “My laptop boots to a black screen with cursor in starting position after a reboot...
  12. P

    Using Debian Bookworm, and tried adding Kali Repositories - much chaos and work (with a little bit of confusion and hilarity) ensued...

    Currently using Debian 12 on my laptop, and thought to learn about some of the Pentesting tools in Kali Linux (listed here). As some of the tools weren't in the Debian repos, I got the bright idea to add the Kali repositories to my /etc/apt/sources.list. My logic was that as Kali is a Debian...
  13. W

    Solved Debian 12 bookworm hard drives error buffer I/O Error on device sda1 EXT4-fs error (device sda1)

    I am trying to use Debian Bookworm, version 12.4.0 on a Dell PowerEdge 1950 server with 2 seagate hdd (SAS). Everything worked perfectly until I got an error message from my laptop (my laptop was connected to the server using ssh) : I then got the following error messages on the server...
  14. P

    Unable to awaken Debian 12 Linux under sleep/suspend.

    Experiencing inability to recover Debian Linux 12 from sleep/suspend, forcing me to reboot in order to continue working. 1. Attempted to retest by placing the system in systemctl suspend, or systemctl sleep: issue seems to occur intermittently. 2. Checked dmesg for more information: $ sudo...
  15. R

    Debian | Brightness control keys don't work

    Okay, so this is a very common problem for laptop users as I can see from the amount of results in google related to this topic. Still, none of them helped me, so I decided to create this thread personally. My apologies to everyone who's already tired of the brightness problem. I remember...
  16. tinfoil-hat

    Compiling Pytorch - Installing Stable Diffusion on Debian Bookworm with AMD Card and ROCm

    Hi there, I have an advanced Question. I want to install stable Diffusion on Debian Bookworm. I am trying to replicate this on my system: Clone ROCm via Docker sudo docker pull rocm/composable_kernel:ck_ub20.04_rocm5.7...
  17. J

    AppArmor issues with Libvirt

    I have a fresh Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 and Debian 12.1.0 installed and updated. Along with Cockpit and Cockpit virtual machines on both tests machines. I am getting the following errors and warning when looking at the log section in Cockpit: Failed to read AppArmor profiles list...
  18. C

    Crashes with deep rock galactic on steam - need help diagnosing

    I'm running debian bookworm on my framework laptop with an i7-1165G7 and Iris XE graphics. In deep rock galactic, my game crashes but only when a certain effect is shown on screen (that of bugs being killed with anything that kills them with fire, such as the breach cutter.) The entire game...