Some affairs are sweet but very short

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I carry a folding magnifying glass with me for the same reason label reading among other things it's as handy as a pocket knife.

Just on the lighter side......I do hope @Jane33 is reading these past few postings.

He/she may yet form the opinion that we are not such a bad fact the descriptor 'friendly and laid back' might just spring to his/her mind.

I saw the word 'disablity' mentioned somewhere in the topic.

If in fact he/she suffers from some disability, he/she will join a long line of other members with disabilities, both physical and mental.
Nope! I'm sane!

I am, too. Let me explain...

When I retired, I did some strange stuff. So, I decided I'd go get my mental health assessed. I went for two days, each day about eight hours long, and took a ton of tests and did a bunch of interviews.

In the end, they determined that I was sane. Well, that's not the vernacular they used. It was something along the lines of, "No known negative impact based on mental health." Something like that. Which is as close to saying I'm sane as they're gonna say.

It turns out that I'm not crazy, I'm just weird!
Nothing wrong with me.......much
I am closing this Thread, but in doing so, @Jane33 I am not shutting the door on you, and I hope you will continue with us :)

This subforum is titled Forum Assistance, and given the problem for which assistance was sought has been remedied, then it has lived its useful life.

During the DDoS attack by the ratbag or ratbags responsible (I can think of ruder words but will spare you), we were taking, instead of our usual 1.5 million hits per day, ... 33 million hits per hour.

Our Administrator acted swiftly to protect the site, and that invoked the annoying Captcha process as a necessary evil, but an integral part of the defence mechanisms and protocols.

Now we are back to normal, and we will continue to do what (we hope what is what) we do best, and that is to
  • help people with their Linux
  • share with people what we know about Linux and not least
  • propogate and promote the underlying spirit of the Linux Community
Thanks to all for their patience during trying times, and to your continued efforts and community participation.

Chris Turner
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