Get quick answers to common linux related questions, right inside your terminal by typing "howdoi <your question>"


New Member
May 19, 2020
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Hi Everyone!

I have created a free linux tool called "howdoi". Using this you can get quick answers to common linux related questions, right inside your terminal by typing "howdoi [your question]"

Here is a screenshot of it in action;


I recently switched from Windows to Linux and often need help remembering commands and stuff, so I created this small tool.

The source code and documentation is here:

Would love to hear your comments and feedback.

I looked at your code and it needs internet to work, right?
IIRC there is a similar tool called betty that works offline and will take a command such as "betty what is my linux version" and will print the output of the appropriate command.
IIRC there is a similar tool called betty that works offline and will take a command such as "betty what is my linux version" and will print the output of the appropriate command.

that's cool. it is basically 100 lines of code (no database) and just uses search to find relevant answers to almost any linux related questions.

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