Recent content by jonas_berggren

  1. J

    Accessing phone data without interfacing with screen

    Well this has already been attempted. As I said in the initial question, the phone was sent to a repair shop, where they failed to make a screen work, due to the fact that, apparently the motherboard was damaged, disabling it to display graphics. Connecting an external screen to the usb port...
  2. J

    Accessing phone data without interfacing with screen

    The SD card is already retrieved but there are still things left like contacts and some photos. The data isn't synced with google and debug is not, and can't be enabled. I could try to enable mtp data transfer through the phone it self, but I am hoping for a more elegant and and especially less...
  3. J

    Accessing phone data without interfacing with screen

    Unfortunately this doesn't help, as the menu is different in my case. Additionally it needs to be opened through as fairly small icon in the notification bar. This is especially unfortunate as it shows up beneath an unknown number of push notifications. Therefor I don't think, blindly guessing...
  4. J

    Accessing phone data without interfacing with screen

    Hi, my girlfriend dropped her phone (motorola G5+) into a creek. This damaged it in such a way, that it starts up, the touch screen works, but the display stays black. You can feel it vibrating while blindly guessing the lock pattern. She already sent it to a repair shop, but they didn't manage...