Recent content by Nigh Knight

  1. Nigh Knight

    Can't seem to start i3-gaps for some reason

    This is the only resource I have: i3-gaps log. It simply starts then exists, I have nothing else to say nor other resources to provide.
  2. Nigh Knight

    X server isn't properly starting with startx, ends in error

    Thank you for suggesting this, I can't believe I didn't think of isolating the problem like you suggested. Your suggestion showed two things, one being, my X server was starting properly and that my xinitrc wasn't the problem, two, i3-gaps, my window manager, was the cause of my problems. But...
  3. Nigh Knight

    X server isn't properly starting with startx, ends in error

    No what I'm attempting to do is solve my problem not being able to start the x server without using sudo. Using sudo causes i3, my window manager, to use the root config.
  4. Nigh Knight

    X server isn't properly starting with startx, ends in error

    I use Arch btw Background I restarted i3 using it's default restart command mod+shift+r, and suddenly I was existed out of my current session. Attempts I decided to run startx, to restart X, nothing. I decide to open use xinit to start the display, using xinit -- :1, nothing. I decided to...