Recent content by Nitiphone

  1. N

    Add TimeStamp to command History

    I tried but some server work but some server not work, Can you guide me a little more? This Server not work pcrfocf105$ history | head -1 11 tail -f PCRF5.ES07.GGSN.0_20191004.stat|egrep "DMPRecvMessageCountTPS=|DMPBusyMessageCountTPS=" pcrfocf105$ echo 'export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %H:%M:%S...
  2. N

    Add TimeStamp to command History

    Please kindly help me add date time on history command. I tried but not work on 1. login root 2. vi /etc/bashrc #add below command export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T ' # su - [user] # echo $HISTTIMEFORMAT source /etc/bashrc ***** It can work on time but when I log out and login again. it go back...
  3. N

    run script to collect information every day but different directory

    >awk -F',' '{if((substr($3,1,1)==1)&&($26~/Gateway_G/)&&($27~/SAP365/)) {print $2"|"$3"|"$23}}' /home/mone/billproxy/billdata/bpsbill/12/backup/\*$(date +%Y%m%d --date=@$(($(date +%s)-86400*1)))\* | wc -l Illegal variable name. I tried but still got this error
  4. N

    run script to collect information every day but different directory

    Hi,How about I need to use * on the same place with date Like this *20190818* I would like to run this command below include star character(*) awk -F',' '{if((substr($3,1,1)==1)&&($26~/Gateway_G/)&&($27~/SAP365/)) {print $2"|"$3"|"$23}}' /home/mone/billproxy/billdata/bpsbill/12/backup/*$(date...
  5. N

    run script to collect information every day but different directory

    Thank you very much, It's beautiful work. now I just add the script on the crontab
  6. N

    run script to collect information every day but different directory

    Dear Any One, Please kindly help me to find out some way to collect information as below? zgrep "MCPKG" /centralizedlog/dsd0110{1,4}/afcdr/20190527/*.gz |grep success > save20190527.txt I would like to run this command to collect information and put it to output file as this example I can use...