Recent content by PeterBSD

  1. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    FYI, I figured it out on Friday that the issue was that I need to install apr-util-openssl. I found an error in the log (error_log) file and googled it. Thanks again for all your help, really appreciated it!
  2. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    I never directly download any .so files (either ssl or session). What I did was to add 'mod_ssl' or 'mod_session' in the package list in kickstarts file, and before that I need to download the .rpm packages for ssl and session with internet connection and add the packages to 'Packages' folder...
  3. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    mod_sessio comes with mcafee, I can see all the .so files (you listed earlier) in the folder (/usr/lib64/httpd/modules). Both session and session_cookie modules are already loaded (commands in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file), I just added 'SessionCrystoCipher aes256' yesterday after 'Session...
  4. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    You are right about the modules. 'which httpd' points me to /usr/sbin/httpd The most urgent thing for me now is to fix the VKey, i.e. to add 'SessionCryptoCipher aes256' in httpd.config file (without breaking httpd service), do you have any suggestions? To clarify, when I install module...
  5. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    They are different modules. McAfee didn't load/install ssl module, so I had to download and install it with internet connection. Now it turned out that one is easier since McAfee doesn't have it so there is on conflict. Since session modules have been installed/loaded by McAfee, it's hard for...
  6. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    Agree, it IS confusing! I'm working to apply STIGs to the existing systems, and this weird installations caused tons of troubles to even very simple VKey fixes, like this one. Next I will try to comment out the two 'LoadModule' in httpd.conf that load modules from /opt/NAI/..., and install the...
  7. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    Thank you f33dm3bits! All the listed mod files are installed/loaded on the system. However, they are loaded from a special folder, here are the two lines right before 'Session On' in httpd.conf file - LoadModule session_module /opt/NAI/LinuxShield/apache/modules/ LoadModule...
  8. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    Thanks guys! I got over mod_ssl but now mod_session blocks me! I added the following in httpd.conf, per V-92687, I also included the existing lines with 'Session' config - Session On SessionCryptoCipher aes256 SessionCookieName session...
  9. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    I checked the target system, and found that there is 'mailcap' pkg there, so does that mean I can ignore the 'failure' and ssl_mod install should work on the system?
  10. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    Thank you guys for replying! The output I posted WAS from a system with internet connection, I expected to download all dependencies to my folder. I tried a different command today (again on the system with internet access) and got the same 'failure' (Requires: /etc/mime.types). The command...
  11. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    Thank you for your quick reply and suggestion! I tried the following command to download the pkgs to a staging system, but got 'Requires: /etc/mime.types' error, even after I added a /etc/mime.types file to the system - sudo yum -y install mod_ssl --downloadonly --downloaddir=/tmp So which...
  12. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    My 1st question should be: can we use to install and enable ssl mod without yum downloading and install?
  13. P

    Add ssl_mod to existing apache server?

    We have an isolated (no internet connection) RHEL7 system with existing httpd service running. Now we want to add ssl_mod to the apache server. Most ssl setup posts started with 'yum install mod_ssl', so one we we can go is to download mod_ssl and all dependencies and run local install on the...
  14. P

    How to make 'sed' to skip commented lines starting with '#'?

    I'm using 'sed' to modify config files. Specifically, I'm using 'sed' to search lines with "</Direcotry>" and insert lines above it. My example command is as below (test.conf file contains multiple sections of <Directory ....>....</Directory>- sudo sed –i.bak ‘/<\/Directory>/i...