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  1. J

    XFS_Repair on a failed Raid Volume

    great thanks for the advise, really appreciate that
  2. J

    XFS_Repair on a failed Raid Volume

    Hello, and thank you for your support on this topic. First, this is not my data, it has not been backed up and requires repairing if possible. I'm aware it should have been backed up, but I have only been engaged with after the event. following a raid failure and replacing the affected drives...
  3. J

    append find command result to csv

    Good point, they look very similar in the shell, trued this (lower cas l) and i get this: find /nas/quota/slot_2/root_vdm_2/isadhomes07/home/lht204 -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 100000 -type d | wc -l / -printf "lht204, %TY-%Tm-%Td , %TT , ISADHOMES07" | sort -nr | head -n l >>...
  4. J

    append find command result to csv

    could I ask a little help please. Im trying to output the number of child folders there are in a given root folder, the below example work and outputs the correct figure for the lht204 folder When I run this find /nas/quota/slot_2/root_vdm_2/isadhomes07/home/lht204 -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 100000...
  5. J

    append find command result to csv

    Thanks for your help that did exactly what I needed
  6. J

    append find command result to csv

    Hi and thanks for the help in advance im using this command to output the latest time stamp of modifed files in a directoy and works well to screen find /nas/quota/slot_2/root_vdm_2/homeshare/home/username/ -printf "ajm293, %TY-%Tm-%Td , %TT\n , " | sort -nr | head -n 1 this gives output to...
  7. J

    recursivley output through directory tree last modified date/time for files and folders to csv

    now I get this error: [root@RCRVNXCS0 bin]# userlist3 : No such file or directory unfortunatley not a lot to go off i know. A slight change to my original post request, and now having looked at the available solutions using the find command I think I can now give more of a definitive request...
  8. J

    recursivley output through directory tree last modified date/time for files and folders to csv

    sorry here you go: while read searchpath; do if [[ -d "$searchpath" ]]; then find "$searchpath" -newermt "2020-04-20 15:00:00" >> /nas/quota/slot_2/root_vdm_2/isadhomes01/home/jltest/output2.csv fi done < /nas/quota/slot_2/root_vdm_2/isadhomes01/home/jltest/userlist.csv
  9. J

    recursivley output through directory tree last modified date/time for files and folders to csv

    I seem to be getting this error when trying all of the above: /usr/bin/userlist3: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `done' /usr/bin/userlist3: line 5: `done < /nas/quota/slot_2/root_vdm_2/isadhomes01/home/jltest/userlist.csv' Any ideas? Thanks
  10. J

    recursivley output through directory tree last modified date/time for files and folders to csv

    Thanks for your assistnace, its much appreciated, could I pull in a csv list for source directories for this approach in any way? also the out csv file does not seem to list the file outputs 1 per line, more 1 single string of text, is there a way to put the file list findings 1 per line? final...
  11. J

    recursivley output through directory tree last modified date/time for files and folders to csv

    Hi, Could I have some assistance in creating a a script to recurivley search through a diectory tree outputting files and sub folders created or modiefied after a specific date and time to a csv file? Thanks in advance
  12. J

    recursivley show modified dates of files within a folder and sub folders

    Hi, Could I have some assistance in creating a a script to recurivley search through a diectory tree outputting filesand sub folders created or modiefied after a specific date and time? Thanks in advance
  13. J

    folder rename on mass

  14. J

    folder rename on mass

    thats excellent help thankyou so much, just to clarify is the last line correct " done < /path/to/you-list" i mean in particular the "done < " element of the syntax i get the second half is an editable part for me to specify Thanks again
  15. J

    folder rename on mass

    thanks in advance for the help. I have a list of folder names to be renamed (about 8000) they are all subfolders in the same root folder, but are not necissarily at the same folder level, for example /nas/quota/slot_3/home/folders to be renamed> or /nas/quota/slot_3/slot_2/home/folders to be...
  16. J

    folder rename on mass

    could somebody help me with a bash script to run on a linux server to rename several hundred folders. An example would be to rename "folder1" to "folder1_deleteme" Thanks