Search results

  1. davidd

    Webmail Provider for Mutty/MSMTP

    I want a free webmail provider that will allow me to access to email from the terminal using a command line program like mutty or msmtp but apprently I can no longer access my gmail from the terminal since google has changed their security settings to no longer allow less secure app access. I...
  2. davidd

    Tech support installing RHEL 9

    Hi I am attempting to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 on my laptop. I have freshly purchased USBS and have flashed the USB with the Red Hat Linux 9 ISO. Originally when I went into the BIOS there were two separate USBS in the book priority of course belonging to the same USB key. After I...
  3. davidd

    Best Free Blogging Platform IYO

    Hey what's up everybody I've been thinking about starting a blog and I wanted to know what you guys think is the best free blogging platform that I could use in your opinion. I'd like to start a blog to discuss everything from the rapid advancement of technology and in artificial intelligence to...
  4. davidd

    Linux Books

    Nice, On second thought it could be that I am potentially brilliant at Mathematics maybe I just have a learning disability in the same way Albert Einstein had one. No idea,
  5. davidd

    Linux Books

    Ill tell you how I figured it out CrazedNerd. I kept adding numbers up from the top column of numbers until the sequence of numbers I added amounted to the number in the left colum. Then I switched the values on in the sequence I found that amounted to the number in the left colum in the...
  6. davidd

    Linux Books

    I appreciate that you wrote it up for me but ive been wracking my brain about my technical issue with getting to my boot settings in my lap top today. Ï go over it as soon as I can figure this out! Thanks again
  7. davidd

    Linux Books

    I own both The Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible 4th edition thats a good book.
  8. davidd

    Troubleshooting Access to BIOS in Toshiba Sattelite Pro A40-C

    I tried removing the battery from the back of the laptop and restarting but it didn't change anything. Next I reinstalled that Toshiba hardware setup utility there I can change the boot order to FDD. The issue remains that even though I can access the Toshiba set up utility and restart I am not...
  9. davidd

    Stuck on a Binary Quiz

    I probably get short changed all the time the left hemisphere of my brain is a walnut. I am poor at logic.
  10. davidd

    Stuck on a Binary Quiz

    If you put me on a desert island and told me the only way to get out of get off the island is to do mathematics I'd perish
  11. davidd

    Stuck on a Binary Quiz

    I'm taking the Google technical support certification course. We just basically a course on the fundamentals of a technical support r
  12. davidd

    Stuck on a Binary Quiz

    Ya I got it by the skin of my teeth
  13. davidd

    Stuck on a Binary Quiz

    oh man i think i got it but i barely understand
  14. davidd

    Stuck on a Binary Quiz

    I am completely stuck on this binary quiz for a course I am doing but I suck at math I was hoping someone could use gimp to mark the correct answers for me or I will spend eternity on getting passed this.
  15. davidd

    Troubleshooting Access to BIOS in Toshiba Sattelite Pro A40-C

    The shift Plus F2 seems to have worked it boots to a Toshiba set up utility screen but all of the options including the boot menu are frozen. I mean that they don't work like you can't click on on anything or change anything they're just gray boxes and you can not change any of the options or...
  16. davidd

    Troubleshooting Access to BIOS in Toshiba Sattelite Pro A40-C

    Hey guys I am having a tremendous amount of difficulty in installing Linux Mint from USB on this Toshiba Satellite Pro A40-C Laptop I have googled everything about how to access the bios but the usual F2 to F12 at start up is not working. I read somewhere to install Toshiba HWTools to change the...
  17. davidd

    What is the best FIle Sharing App for Linux?

    I actually just paid the ten bucks for the VPN you get high speed service.
  18. davidd

    What is the best FIle Sharing App for Linux?

    Wow thanks for hooking me up with ProtonVPN I thought i'd have to pay for it but a FREE VPN man thats awesome! Thanks By the way how can I test if the VPN is actually working or not?
  19. davidd

    What is the best FIle Sharing App for Linux?

    Can anyone reccomend a VPN?