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  1. R

    PowerDNS server updating

    Yes updating config has to be it. This same scenario is with the company ns so it replicates on mine as I used it as reference. Here is my configuration (Pastebin)
  2. R

    PowerDNS server updating

    Hi, I made PowerDNS server for my Lab and it works fantastic. For configuration I used some materials from Internet and some from existing PowerDNS servers on my company. On the server where manual IP address settings are made, I have following: IPv4: Mask: Gate...
  3. R

    Question about paid VPN

    This is what I got as an answer: "Your Debian system port on your local network won't be able to be seen by other people using the same VPN unless you provide them with your port number." I decided to change my rule to allow SSH from
  4. R

    Question about paid VPN

    Ok, I'll ask and share what I learn. Thanks!
  5. R

    Question about paid VPN

    If I have Debian listening SSH port on local network ( with UFW. As I am using paid VPN does other people in same VPN assigned subnet see my port open?
  6. R

    Solved DIY debian router troubleshooting

    Everything is working as it should now. Here is updated rules:
  7. R

    Want to find a distro that would be good for running a game server

    I guess you should be looking at Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Debian.
  8. R

    Another problem....this time with FileZilla on windows trying to access ftp on linux mint desktop

    What is the output of "ls -l" from the directory where you are trying to upload?
  9. R

    Linux mint web server working locally but not remotely on my home network.

    Great you got it working and posted solution!
  10. R

    How to get domain name to resolve at home apache server

    Does it route to router login in screen only in local network or also from public? I don't know about other routers, but pfsense does have option to fix this on local network.
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    Port forwarding - how?

    Are you sure you public IP address isn't behind your ISPs CGNAT?
  12. R

    Linux mint web server working locally but not remotely on my home network.

    Is this said Linux Mint desktop the server? Open PowerShell from Windows PC and write "Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 80" and "Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443" without quote marks. What is the output for those?
  13. R

    Solved DIY debian router troubleshooting

    Hey, I have been building a DIY router on NanoPi R5C with Debian 11 and I cannot figure out why DNS / DHCP refuses to work. Currently on testing I get Internet out of it if I assign IP address as a static and DNS to However changing DNS to router IP doesn't work. I will post my config...