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  1. E

    What Linux distro should I install ?

    I am an .net/c# dev too, switched, for, basically, 1 reason: windows 10 end of support, and microsoft being annoying with their surveillance. Can share with my experience. I tried Linux a few times before during last 5 years from time to time. My first distro was Mint in 20, i was very...
  2. E

    Two Japanese inputs after mozc install

    Hello. I just added Japanese input to my system, by this manual, and it worked, but have one thing that annoys me. Now i have both regular and "Japanese(Mozc)" input types, but i want only mozc one be pickable, because other one is useless, and just types English. I tried to just remove...
  3. E

    "wg" interface appearing after each reboot

    Looks like it helped. Thanks.
  4. E

    "wg" interface appearing after each reboot

    No, this is definitely my misconfiguration issue, because i have wireguard installed on my laptop also, with the same config in use, and there is no such thing happening. I think when i first time configured it on my desktop i done something wrong, which is hard to say what it was.
  5. E

    "wg" interface appearing after each reboot

    Thats VPN i use on work, so - i have no choice. Can choose only between corporate Cisco Any connect and Wireguard. And Wireguard seem more stable. It works fine, i am only annoyed to write 'sudo ip link delete wg' after each restart, but i am not sure why it keeps appearing.
  6. E

    "wg" interface appearing after each reboot

    Hello. While trying to configure wireguard i, somehow, made "wg" record appearing after each reboot in "ip link show" output: The bad thing is if i trying to start VPN via wg-quick up sitWg ("sitWg" is the name of config in /etc/wireguard/ that i actually use) it says that: and it works...