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  1. localhost_void

    Distro input wanted!

    So I have managed to get a couple distro to at least begin installation .Open Suse leap stalls on second startup step Starting Ramdisks and I have to restart. Parrot OS wants a UEFI version. Ubuntu will not even begin to boot. Going to downloading some different distros tonight.
  2. localhost_void

    Ubuntu 22.04 on Surface Pro 7+

    It's grdst you were able to install Ubuntu in lieu of windows. I have been trying to install any flavor of Linux along side my windows 11. I have to have windows for school. But so far Ubuntu will not boot from my usb, open suse leap gets to starting ramdisk then stalls. I tried parrot and got...
  3. localhost_void

    Distro input wanted!

    what the devil is bitlocker recovery and is that what keeps stopping my usb install? When I disable secure boot I get bitlocker asking for my recovery and key, which I do have.
  4. localhost_void

    Distro input wanted!

    Good Evening everyone, hope you are all nice and warm, or cool, this chilly night. I have been slowly setting things up to Dual boot my surface Pro X with Linux. I created a 60 Gb partition for the installation, I didn't format it or do anything to it per instructions I've been following here. I...
  5. localhost_void

    Distro input wanted!

    Awesome, I absolutely love this site you've all been super helpful already. I now remember this aspect of the Linux community, was something I really loved and appreciated.
  6. localhost_void

    Distro input wanted!

    Quick question I hope someone answers it quickly anyway. I know touchscreen won't work at first, instructions stated I would need a USB keyboard and mouse, now will a set of wireless connected through USB work or does it need to be a corded USB keyboard and mouse?
  7. localhost_void

    Distro input wanted!

    Hello everyone, I have been dabbling with Linux since high school off and on. More recently, I have became interested in exploring Linux once again. I have a Surface Pro X SQ2, with 16 GB RAM and 256 GB SSD which is used for school, and work. I want to get a distro of linux to dual boot with...