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  1. U

    The ‘tee’ command has a bug

    Why is it wrong to use the command again after deleting the file with rm?
  2. U

    The ‘tee’ command has a bug

    But the result of my first use is correct. After deleting junk2 with the rm command, it is wrong to use the ls | wc -w | tee junk2 command again? Similarly, I use the touch command to create the file kk, and then delete the file kk. The result of using'ls | wc -w' is different from the result of...
  3. U

    The ‘tee’ command has a bug

    When I did not create the file junk2 by any means, the output of ls | wc -w was the same as the output of ls | wc -w | tee junk2. When I delete the (rm) junk2 file and output the same command again, the results of the two are inconsistent