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  1. S

    Resolution DNS domian with CNAME

    Hi everyone I did a probe to resolve my entire domian "@" with a cname to another fqdn but I got a message error. As alternative i created a type Cname with "www" without errors, someone did that configuration? Thanks for you advice
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    DNS load-balancing

    Hi everyone I am in an implementation of a network service, but I got the query if it is possible to do some kind of balancing in the Bind Linux DNS server. Stage Guest endpoint will communicate via wireless to a captive portal to login, this login page is provided by a server with IP example...
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    Query tables from Kiwisyslog server to Mysql

    Hi everyone I have a issue with do a query from kiwi syslog server, to begin I share you the topology, th difference is that my BD is mysql(linux redhat 7.7) I installed the Connector/ODBC 8.0.21 in the windows server 2016 that hosted the kiwi syslog. All config is done, here "test...
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    Recover credentials root

    Hi dead friends Can someone help me or have some suggestion to recover the root pass of Redhat Server? I tried boot from console and edit the grub boot but It appears is with the grub password too. Some alternatives to break and recover? Thanks you so much!
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    Get the BIND (named) service config files from redhat

    Hello everyone I have just been delegated the administration of a bind DNS server, it is redhat version 5.2. The problem is that I can't find the file known as named.conf anywhere, apparently it has a custom configuration. The running process is named, is there any way to know what...
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    Issue o misslead configuration Reslucion TXT dns BIND

    Hi community I have a problen with the resolution txt dns record in bind the first record is, It's works But with the, It resolves to 2 values, I don't know why in "mx toolbox" And the config about adobe is diferrent, Here from the linux...