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  1. marianogedisman

    Cannot get rid of markers on Mutt

    Hello! I'm trying to get rid of the "+" sign markers on Mutt. I've set the unset markers and also tried with set markers = no on muttrc but still can't get it to work. I've debugged Mutt and it does read muttrc from my local directory, however, there must be something else I'm missing but I...
  2. marianogedisman

    The big SSH mystery... (I can't use/convert a key)

    Greetings everyone! So, after a lot of digging, and mailing-list writing (both to OpenSSL and OpenSSH), I can't seem to get to any good port. I have the following private key: -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- [Key contents] -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- That I am trying to use with my...