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  1. M

    Was getting yelled at in team fortress 2

    Yup, so I witnessed somebody screaming on the top of their lungs medic in a game of tf2, isnt that crazy?
  2. M

    Using Geforce Now on a linux device

    Simple way to play steam and epic games games on a Linux device. Go into a browser and type in geforce now, then log in. Once you're done, try syncing your Steam account and Epic games account and Ubisoft account. (you must need those installed on the linux device) and then just start playing...
  3. M

    How to install WINE on Ubuntu 20.04

    To install wine, you first want to go into the search browser and type in "Wine linux" and click on the link that says "WINE HQ" and then, go to WINE's WIKI, and then look for the option to download. Once you're there, click Ubuntu and the installation starts. Here are the commands you need to...
  4. M

    Do you think people should use Debian or Ubuntu? Tell me which one and why.

    I personally think Ubuntu, but you can think something else. Tell me in the comments.
  5. M

    Introduction to Bash for new linux users.

    You can use crosh, or the linux terminal on your device. Use ctrl alt T for crosh, or just open up bash. Some basics are. The echo command is basically print, anything behind it will be inputted. For example, echo "hello world" bash will input hello world. Now what if we want to write...