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  1. K

    Ubuntu wont boot

    So maybe this is a stupid question, but to do that I need to know the name of the disk (like sdX), right? I tried figuring out which it is, and what the USB is, but when I run lsblk for example, this is what i get: NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 7:0 0 2.1G 1 loop...
  2. K

    Ubuntu wont boot

    Can I do that from the live Ubuntu usb? Without that I can get to any terminal or promt, only black screen. Also, if I try to do boot repair from the try out mode, I only get the option to create summary , but not do recommended repairs. Here is the summary: boot-repair-4ppa200...
  3. K

    Ubuntu wont boot

    Im not able to boot into terminal without the installation usb, at least to my abilities. However I did it from the try out mode of the ubuntu usb, i how that this works also. System: Kernel: 5.15.0-43-generic arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 11.2.0 Desktop: GNOME v: 42.2 tk: GTK...
  4. K

    Ubuntu wont boot

    My laptop wont start Ubuntu anymore. When I turn it on, it shows me the Lenovo logo (Im on a thinkpad) and then black screen. When I use a USB with Ubuntu on it, it starts extremely slowly, but I'm eventually able to use the live try out mode. Another thing is that when I use the USB, I get to...