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  1. L

    Discovering a process run in the past

    Suppose that a random process starts at time X and ends at time X + 5 seconds... Is there a way to discover the TID, PID, and name of process for instance at time X+6 seconds? I would like to get the same informations given by ps
  2. L

    Linux major and minor number in device file

    Who is in charge to decide what is the minor number?Is it driver? If i have for instace: -device file x with 8 major number and 2 minor number -device file y with 6 major number and 2 minor number My question is :Are 2 device files referring to the same device? Is minor number unique for the system?
  3. L

    Linux device interaction

    In Linux, is it possible for an application interacts with hardware device( for instance: camera) without using /dev/* device file?So I mean is possible to use hardware device without making or “using” /dev/* device file?