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  1. aleff

    GDB Error trying to run Adobe Reader opening a PDF file

    Hello dear, I'm trying to use GDB (GNU Debbugger) to debug the execution of Adobe Reader 8 installed on Windows XP SP3 through GDB installaed with MinGW. I tried to open the file using adobe reader in the cmd with the intent to fine a command line valid for gdb and i found the following: That...
  2. aleff

    Error using metasploit "Adobe Reader ToolButton"

    Hello everybody I'm trying to use metasploit for execute an exploit based on "Adobe Reader ToolButton" [1] CVE-2013-3346 [2]. I don't understand if I'm wronging in some settings, however I'll try to explain perfectly what I'm doing. My OS: Ubuntu 22 VM OS: Windows XP SP3 from [3]...
  3. aleff

    Demonstration of the research study "Extract Me If You Can" based on DECAF

    Does anyone know if there is a technical demonstration of the paper Extract Me If You Can by Carmony, C., Hu, X., Yin, H., Bhaskar, A.V., & Zhang, M. (2016)? I am trying to set DECAF correctly using the wiki presents on the github repository but without success. Could anyone tell me how to...
  4. aleff

    Create and edit PDF-XFA - Not just readers - Ubuntu 22

    Hi I have been looking for several days for a software for linux (ubuntu 22) that allows me to create pdf XFA exactly like LiveCycle Designer which, however, does not have a version for linux. I also specify that I am not interested in a pdf reader or form filler sw. I know that XFA is not a...
  5. aleff

    Firewalling with iptables

    Hello everybody I'm new here and i come because i need an help because I'm not sure that i have firewalled correctly my computer. I used this instruction -P INPUT DROP -P FORWARD ACCEPT -P OUTPUT DROP -A INPUT -i wlp59s0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A OUTPUT -o wlp59s0 -m state...