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  1. B

    Where does BASH_ENV get set?

    I'm trying to understand how the $BASH_ENV variable gets set in a Red Hat installation. I've read the GNU page on Bash Startup Files. It states it's Invoked non-interactively and says and goes on to say But it doesn't say how BASH_ENV is read into the environment. I suspect it means when...
  2. B

    Trying to understand TCP/IP PDU sizes

    I'm trying to understand the PDU sizes as it traverse the TCP/IP model. The way I'm reading these RFC's, (RFC 791) is the IP protocol is required to accept a "datagram" of 576 bytes. My interpretation of the term datagram is it's equivalent to a payload. So I'm trying to take that value and...
  3. B

    Confused by 'ps' output

    Thanks in advance to anyone that can offer me any guidance on my questions... Which is about the numerical value I'm seeing in the priority (PR PRI) column of the 'ps -el' output From what I've read... I'd expect to see a value fall within the range of 1 - 139 for both processes and kernel...
  4. B

    How to identify a block device buffer size

    Been reading about character & block devices... and I want to figure out how to identify the /dev/sda block device buffer size in my virtual machine (RHEL). I believe this is found in the 'blockdev --report' output under the 'BSZ' field Can someone confirm or deny this? If I'm wrong could...
  5. B

    Where are functions stored in a Linux shell?

    Thanks for any advice anyone can offer me on my question Is there's a hash table where defined shell functions are kept? If so, what is it called? So basically I'm wondering where in a shell (BASH) functions are stored. I know I can use the declare command to view them, but I suspect there is...