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  1. F

    Microsoft Brings Defender Antivirus for Linux, Coming Soon for Android and iOS

    Sadly, Microsoft defender is absolutely useless and does not detect any threats, I know from my previous experience with Windows. The only thing it is truly capable of is blocking any unsigned EXE, creating frustration from having to disable the AV and redownload said EXE.
  2. F

    Really low spec linux distros?

    You're going to have to upgrade someday, nowadays pretty much anything is better than that. But, if you cannot upgrade from those specs, or have your reasons, try or
  3. F

    help choose linux distro

    Hey there! Personally, I have heavily researched distributions, as within the past month, I fully made the transition from Windows 10 to Linux. After loading multiple OS's in VMware and personally loading them onto my USB drive, I can personally recommend Salient OS. By default, it uses the Xfce...
  4. F

    Best linux distro for beginner

    Hey there! After switching from 3 distributions, each with hours of my personal research put into them, my recommended for any beginner is Pop!_Os by System76. Simple, easy to navigate and use, plus all sorts of support for it. By default, it uses the Gnome desktop...