
  1. F

    Write-protected file with Extents attribute refuses to die (ubuntu)

    gm ...newbie here struggling with something that should be easy. I'm installing bitcoin core on linux (ubuntu), and have a problem overwriting a write-protected file (bitcoind.service). I've Googled and asked ChatGPT and searched the forum archive/FAQs. The solutions I've tried include the...
  2. G

    Is it right to use chmod 777 when this is the only option?

    Firstly good morning. I am a recent user of ubuntu, it must have been about two months that I use it, anyway, I started a WordPress course and in it we used xampp to not need to buy a direct host, however the problem is that WP cannot create new files, either when I download a new theme or...
  3. G

    File Permission of The Sh Files

    I have a Directory where a lot of bash script or sh file exist. I want to change their permission to the 770 with the chmod command. How can i accomplish that? Thanks.
  4. J

    I need help with symbolic link

    .,.... What is the source of the symbolic linked file