
  1. D

    Event: #Cephalocon The Future of Storage™ Ceph 4-5 December 2024 Cern Geneva, Switzerland

    dear Community, dear friends on the Linux-forum, from time to time here in Europe - interesting events take place - so perhaps its a good idea, to publish these events here.. plz lemme know if this is allright and you agree with this.. and last: is this the ritght place, the right...
  2. B

    Sending info to mysql db

    Hello, I want to make a script that monitorizes the cpu utilization and sends that data to a mysql database. I have two VMs made with ORACLE, they both can comunicate with eachother, I made a script using the top command on VM1 and on the VM2 I have installed myqsl server. I only found how to...
  3. B

    Linux Project

    Hello, I have a personal project that includes some ideas of using Oracle VM, monitoring and some network commands. So far, I have two VMs that can communicate with eachother, I made a database using mysql on one of the VMs and on the other I want to access and see the database on a web server...
  4. K

    Your web server does not appear to support any common PDO database extensions.

    I was following a tutorial for installing and hosting your own web server, but i'm stuck on this from last 2 hrs. I'm new to linux and everything, please help.this the error i'm stuck on
  5. G

    How to list databases from Linux command list?

    I have a mariadb database and I want to list existing databases from the linux command line.
  6. LINUX_Knight

    help&discuss: how to study DB

    me : i am from china , a student . question; how to study DB ,which DB should i learn.
  7. ardiandp

    Aplikasi Database Di Linux

    Assalamualaikum.. gan mau tanya .. ane mau install aplikasi database untuk linux, kira2 apa yang paling bagus kalo di windows semisal sql yog atau navicat terima kasih