I wanted to start Redshift-GTK and it's not starting due to geoclue doesn't work. when checking the systemd status i get
● geoclue.service - Location Lookup Service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/geoclue.service; static)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-10-08 19:57:20...
is it possible to make a file, that when read or written to it would run a program, which would actually output the data from the file? say a file with a pattern, so it wouldn't have to take up so much space.
Hello, I intend to install Fedora Workstation 36 with a separate home partition. I have a 120GB SSD, a 1TB HDD, and 8GB RAM, so I am thinking of doing the partitioning as follows:
\efi (± 500MB)
\ (the rest)
\swap (± 4GB)
\home (1TB)
(swap is on HDD because Fedora uses now zram, so...
Need to format an external hard drive partition. It's not a system drive/partition so no system log files will be written to it. (who uses an external hard drive to write system log files anyway?)
By default when you format a partition as ext4, the system reserves 5% of the disk space. So, only...
I understand that by default, newly created filesystems will be created with 5% of the space allocated for root. I also know you can change the defined space with:
tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sdXY
Is this reserved space make sense for external drives. We have 3.4 TB harddrives in our production cluster...
I have been using BTRFS RAID 1 for data and meta-data with two hard disk drives for a while now. This set up is on my network storage server. My desktops simply runs ext4 (not a fan of LVM yet).
I am using two 1TB HDD totalling 1TB capacity (no surprises as using RAID 1); if I was to add...