Hey, Linux.org community, I hope you're having an amazing morning, evening, night, or whatever part of the day it is in your timezone. With all of that aside, I have a big problem: Xfce is gone.
So basically, earlier today, I tried to install GNOME on my own like the stubborn know-it-all...
I'm new to linux and forums alike.
I've been doing linux basics.
I have a question
I'm creating 12 folder with
Mkdir dir{1..12}
Is it possible, on linux, to create a bunch of files that will be inserted into all those folders simultaneously?
Touch file{1..12} dir{1..12} doesn't seem to...
Hello everyone, I have previously ran a 2020.3 live usb on this device with no issues. I then reformatted the USB, flashed it again with the same OS and then created a persistent partition (logical using ext4). After booting it works through grub fine and then comes to blue “Kali Live Boot...
Hi I am having an issue I was updating my repo after install on to hard drive and it restarted and went to login section on a black screen I logged in believing I could figure it out only to be thrown back In the loop without the option to login i get the kali logo then black screen with cursor...
Hello, i have Kali Linux Latest Version, i have used it for three months, and now i want install windows 10 on my second Hard Drive, i have created bootable usb, but when i want boot the usb it show me grub rescue, i need help.
Hello, i have used kali liux two months, but i need install windows 10, so i need to flash it on usb, but it's too difficult, i search one week without stop, but i don't find any solution, can anyone help me ?