
  1. B

    Dynamic libs disappear

    Good day, fellow forum members! I'm experiencing a strange problem: some time after reboot, different .so files mostly from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ either get corrupted or disappear completely. It could happen after 30 minutes as well as could take 20+ hours. The UX is like following: everything...
  2. B

    File was opened, but "No such file or dirrectory"

    File is shared object for arm hf 32 from WindRiver 2.6.32 . I have ARM 32 hf debian wheezy 3.0.2. When i execute my compiled binary file "hello",where i calling dlopen on this lib (with strace), he opening, reading 512b elf header first, then 1400b something, and after 49 bytes...