
  1. N

    Could not unmount revokefs-fuse filesystem at /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-UFOYK2/org.freedesktop.Platform-FJ9MK2

    When I try to install using flatpak install I get this error. How can I fix it? Warning: Could not unmount revokefs-fuse filesystem at /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-UFOYK2/org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale-LEOYK2: Child process exited with code 1 Warning: Could not unmount revokefs-fuse filesystem at...
  2. D

    GlusterFS Mount

    I am using glusterfs version 9.2 and seem to be having the issue where a mounted glusterfs volume randomly unmounts. I have done some googling and it seems where a couple others have had the same issue and it seems the general advice was to update glusterfs due to bugs, however that was for...
  3. O

    Filesystem mounted by apache invisible to others

    For a Raspberry Pi application ( I work on a web UI. This allows to mount USB-devices and perform backups. By the php-website a bash-script is triggered and this executes finally: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/storage/ -o umask=0 User www-data is...
  4. S

    VNC Black Screen After Shared Folder Mounting

    I have installed an Linux8 system using Vagrant. After vagrant is up, I am getting only a black screen when I try to connect through a VNC. SSH connection is working fine. If I reboot the system through the Virtual Box GUI, and then try to connect through the VNC, the black screen issue is no...
  5. 3

    Dual Boot (Ubuntu and Win 10) Mounting Drive Problems

    Hi, having some problems with switching to Linux. I have my Win 10 local disk on /dev/sdd and Ubuntu Linux on /dev/sda. I would like to access my windows local disk files within Linux but when I try to mount /dev/sdd to /mnt with: "sudo mount /dev/sdd /mnt" I get: "mount: /mnt: wrong fs type...
  6. M

    /dev/sda1 already mounted or /busy

    Been wanting to learn Linux for a long time. I was given an Unbunto 12.04 machine that no one could get into to play with. I have srtarted the recovery mode and was able to change the root password. During that process I used mount -o ,rw /. I was successful. However, there is not a root option...
  7. G

    Unable to mount External Encrypted Hard Drive(256-bit AES)

    Hello guys. I recently installed the Ubuntu 18.04 lts, and I'm trying to mount an external Hard Drive of 500 Gb encrypted with 256-bit AES. After a lot of research and tries(...,cryptsetup), I wasn't able to do it. I know Ubuntu can detect the external Hard Drive...
  8. X

    unable to mount hard drive / single device looks like 2 separate devices

    Hello guys, i'm facing with some strange behavior of my HDD. This is a single 3TB disk but looks like 2 separate drives on my computers (tryed on manjaro and via armbian -- the same result): $ lsblk | grep sd sdb 8:16 0 2T 0 disk sdc 8:32 0 746.5G 0 disk Looks...
  9. CptCharis

    HDD configuration

    Hello everybody!!! It's a long time not see you. So here we are again. I have an old external USB 1T Transcend and play with it for fun and education. Yesterday I erased everything inside it and went one more step further. I override everything with dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb status=progress...
  10. blackneos940

    Adding ext4 Partition to /etc/fstab File.....? :3

    As the question describes, I wanna add my Kali Linux Partition to Manjaro's fstab File, so that it automounts on Login..... :3 How is this accomplished.....? :3 Good GOD, that Stromboli made me full..... :P Thanks for any help guys..... :3
  11. I

    Mount problem

    Hi, I just started to learn Linux and I have a question: This is my partitions info: amin@ubuntu:~$ lsblk -p NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT /dev/sdb 8:16 0 5G 0 disk /dev/sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom /dev/sdc 8:32 1 14.5G 0 disk └─/dev/sdc1 8:33 1...
  12. P

    Advice on re-partitioning default Debian 9 stretch to support LVM

    Hello, my server provider installed Debian 9 stretch 64bit and this is the disk space layout after installation: The tmpfs and udev filesystems seems not to be using any disk space according to that figures. But they have big quotas? /dev/sda1 * 2048...