
  1. B

    Solved Who is managing my interfaces?

    Hi. I have a Debian Server VM box and the network cards work perfectly. However, I don't know which service is managing the network interfaces and how to change the way they work. The box uses NetworkManager and I can see some logs via journalctl. The thing is the file...
  2. N

    networking.service active failed

    I am using Kali Linux. My NetworkManager is enabled. But randomly my NetworkManager or networking.service goes down. Most of the time it's networking.service and my wifi is gone. And Then I'm unable to turn on the networking.service I think if I can configure the /etc/network/interfaces file...
  3. T

    Ethernet not working, since updating and rebooting

    Suddenly my ethernet stopped working, i didn't touch anything, just updated, upgraded and rebooted, the cable is ok i tested it on my pc and the ethernet works, also ethtool says the link is up and detected, i have no idea what's the problem?, any help, also set static ip 2 weeks ago worked fine...
  4. P

    Bash: Determining if CANbus Bitrate is Configured Properly

    I'm working on an embedded Linux (4.1.15) bash script wherein the bitrate of a CANbus may be one of several possibilities. When my module comes online it comes up at the first bitrate in the list, checks for traffic, and, if no traffic, cycles through each bitrate in like manner until traffic is...