
  1. damix9

    Solved Is adding multilib still required to be done by hand?

    Is this step needed to be done by the user now or it's just outdated article?
  2. vs2-free-users

    Salix inofficial .iso mirror created

    Hi, I recently wanted to download Salix. This was done at a somewhat slow speed, to put it nicely. That's why I downloaded Salix to my mirror without further ado. So if you want to download it, you can do so here:
  3. 5

    No Sound Modules After Kernel Update

    Hello there, I updated the Linux kernel from 5.4.12 to 5.4.13, after the kernel update, the sound drivers stopped working, because they are no sound modules installed. The operating system I'm on is Slackware 15(current). Is there any way to solve this?
  4. D

    Some problems with my Slackware dist-

    Hello, i have taken over the system of my predecessor a few weeks ago and now i have several problems i can't solve alone: I am running a: Slackware 14.2 (the command cat/etc/slackware-version gave me that information) And on this system i have installed Xenserver (Linux 4.4.88-xen) My problem...