Alter DPI (to Hi) Mint 19.3


Active Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Advised to start a new thread. My 19.3 only displays Auto, Enable, and Disable when I'm wanting to change font size (not icon size) Ideas? Advice?

Doc, perhaps take a screenshot of the offending display (if at login) or else post us up a GNOME Screenshot or Shutter pic, if at the desktop?


Feels like a hangover...nothing seems to be unfolding correctly. For starters, Tricia is on Ann's Asus. It took awhile but even a blind squirrel finds an acorn, right...I uncovered the Take Screenshot. Then it took another 5 innings to locate the Picture folder but I can't even right click to view or enlarge the saved pic. nothing is easy with this O/S.

I'v got you all setup ( on my own computer (Dell desktop) but it's Win10 and no Linux. Our desktops are in Honduras that have the multiple Mint 18.1 and 18.3 on each of them where I could more easily do what you've asked me to do, Wiz. Sorry but I simply don;t know how to get around in this new O/S. Somehow I either have to get that screenshot on Tricia over here to my Win10 so I can attach it to this post...and I've run up against a brick wall. My Bad!

I understand Dick :confused:

Let me just confirm - with the High Dots Per Inch (HiDPI) feature, that is just to fix the login screen? For now?

If so, on my tomorrow, I will put together one of my (in)famous Blow-By-Blows of screen shots illustrating how to fix.

Nite for now

Dick, take a look at the screenshot attached and see if it is the sort of size and clarity you are seeking at the login screen. This is from my Linux Mint 20 'Ulyana' but I have done the same thing with my/your 19.3 Tricia Cinnamon.


It's not a scalable solution (yet) you get the default, or you can get Larger :)

Let me know if suits, and I can go on with more detail.

Cheers and



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