anyone know how to program?


New Member
Aug 2, 2020
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i am trying to learn more about programming, any tips would be great :)

Well that's a pretty broad question. Based on what youve asked, and no other info, I'd recommend looking online for some Python tutorials and taking them.....

there are common factors to all programming languages.

So there are loops in php eg :
foreach($results as $outPut)
echo $outPut["userName"];
there are logic tests :
if ( $myBooelan == true)

//do something;
elseif($myBooelan !=true)

do something else;
in bash same logic ,different syntax

if [ -z "$ARCH" ]; then
  case "$( uname -m )" in
    i?86) ARCH=i586 ;;
    arm*) ARCH=arm ;;
    *) ARCH=$( uname -m ) ;;

so its about getting concepts, then deciding which way you are probably going to go;

web : php

general A.I python
It depends on what you're trying to do. For web-based, look into HTML/CSS/JS, PHP, and Ruby. For desktop apps, Python or C++. For mobile apps, Swift or Kotlin. Above all, make sure to pick a language that agrees with you. Also, create a roadmap: What do I want to do with my coding skills? How am I going to achieve that? For desktop apps, maybe you want to use Qt for a graphical interface. In that case, you'll need to make sure that you pick a Qt-compatible language.

Good luck!
If you want to learn to program, and not just to learn to code X or Y or Z, I do have a recommendation! is a programming introductory book that teaches programming concepts using javascript as the language driver. Why javascript? Because it is flexible enough and allows so many different things to be taught. You will learn everything from variables and loops to coding big projects (these ones in javascript, obviously), going through modularity, object oriented programming, functional programming, data structures, event oriented programming... all of them from a conceptual perspective that will help you apply them in any other language (that supported them).

Also, extra points is that the website includes an editor to try the examples and code the exercises.
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Tips are good when you already know how to program and you're stuck in a problem. If you are completely new, my advice would be to just start a course for beginners at a physical location near you or online. You will learn the basics and you will be able to apply the principles to any programming language afterward. It's much harder and frustrating to learn only from a book by yourself when you are completely new, you will waste a lot of time and it might even make you hate programming. Usually, you won't be able to find the answer to your problem in a timely matter on forums online, or if you will, it might not be explained in a way that you are able to understand the logic behind.
