I have heard that that there is a correlation between those that program and those that like classical music.
Okay, I am not (well, not yet anyway) going to give a favorite selection. I am going to give my favorite radio stations (I listen to them with VLC):
Classic TM:
Favorite Religious music:
Ancient Faith Music:
Ancient Faith's more recent music (Rachmaninoff, etc.) are concert level. They do tend to play music from all 2000 years of their history, so the chant can take some getting use to. I usually switch channels.
Classic FM takes favorites from its listeners and every year does a count down. I have yet to dislike anything other liked. But sometimes they get on a baroque jag and give you an hour of "Variations on a Well Tempered Sewing Machine". The only thing missing is the monkey with the cup. When they do this, I write them and REMIND them that NO ONE ever requested that stuff on any of their to lists.
I have yet to dislike anything others like, so I am really looking forward to going though everyone selections here! Who can write code, write invoices, do taxes without Puccini in the background?