Using Linux Mint Ulyana as my daily driver. But recently I tried Garuda, and above all, I was blown away by its amazing shell that popped up when I pressed Ctrl+Alt+T. I got to know it is called the fish shell.
The thing is, even in mint, I am using a different shell called Tilix from
but neofetch still shows it as bash. Even after I installed fish on my mint, and changed the shell with chsh command, neofetch still showing my shell as bash. So does it mean bash is always the core language, and fish, tilix etc. are just graphical decorations on top of the interpreter? Are the same shell scripts, docker commands etc. going to produce exact same results?
Also, how to make my tlix or bash terminal look like garuda with a lambda prompt when using fish shell?
The thing is, even in mint, I am using a different shell called Tilix from
but neofetch still shows it as bash. Even after I installed fish on my mint, and changed the shell with chsh command, neofetch still showing my shell as bash. So does it mean bash is always the core language, and fish, tilix etc. are just graphical decorations on top of the interpreter? Are the same shell scripts, docker commands etc. going to produce exact same results?
Also, how to make my tlix or bash terminal look like garuda with a lambda prompt when using fish shell?