In Australia, we think we are doing it tough......take a look around the world
I sort of want to comment on this... Forgive me if this rambles but I can't think of a way to make it more concise than this is going to be.
I live in Maine. Right now, the temperature is well below freezing.
It's in the 60s in Florida and people there are wearing jackets. Many Mainers would laugh at them for doing so. However, cold is comparative - assuming we're not so cold as to be a physiological problem.
Rather than make fun of them, I realize that it feels cold for them. Given some time, we'd adapt to those temps (I know, as I used to live in warmer areas) and want to wear a jacket as well.
At the same time, there are places that are much colder than where I am. They would laugh when they learned I don't like going outside after it hits -20° F. (It's not too cold right now, it's about -13° C, excluding the wind chill.)
I guess my point is that we all have things that stand out as difficulties. No matter how bad you have it, there are people who have it much worse. Empathy and understanding go a long way. We may have it rough but at least we're not seeing our houses go up in flames or we're not dealing with a massive flood that will take years to recover from.
Well, I suppose there's technically someone who has it worse than everyone else on the planet. They can't really say there are people in worse situations. I'd hate to be that guy!
Now that I think about it, I'd hate to be the person who was wrongfully imprisoned in a 3rd world country where the state doesn't even provide the inmates with food and they don't even speak the native language.
I can't really think of anything worse than that at the moment. How about you?