Brave Browser build for Slackware 15? SOLVED

tried to figure out what you did from your output . _Sbo.tgz should have been created in /tmp but yours is showing in the unpacked directory of the download file. Then you renamed it using "mv" why did you do that ?

Can't remember implications of that, but not sure its a good thing. Using can be very tedious when you want to build a package and then find , that pkg itself yo uwant has deps and you have to first build them. if your want to learn thats great because you learn about the deps and about them.

Also another approach is to use :

lastly a package management tool i used in the past :

So first you have to build , get two files like before. Once installed it can find ready built packages install them, but more importantly install the deps in order too!

Prior to beginning the screen capture, I moved the file from /tmp to working directory. Then after seeing I had a duplicate from before and System saild they were the same file, I used it.een bookmarked.

Previously, I was told by system I could not install use a file with _SBo before the dot, so I renamed.

Links provided have been bookmarked
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i can confirm you can for sure install a file with SBo in it. But cheers for clarifying . I guessed you did something along those lines. Away you know have brave which is now my default browser :^)
