Where have we gone astray here, mate ?
How long is a piece of string?

G'day to both of
@Zactlx and
@Tyr5150 and welcome to linux.org
Couple of corrections/modifications first and a couple of questions
.... just open Start....and type in : msinfo32
The UEFI/Legacy field, Brian, if that is what you are looking for, does not appear in Win 7's msinfo, it came in Win 8 / 10.
With Windows 7
through 10, you can examine the evidence as follows:
Method 2: Check if UEFI or Legacy BIOS Mode in setupact.log in Windows 7, 8, and 10
1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to
C:\Windows\Panther, you will see a file named
2. Open the
setupact.log file with notepad, click
Ctrl + F to open the Find dialog, enter
Callback_BootEnvironmentDetect: Detected boot environment: in the Find dialog to search for a line begin with
Callback_BootEnvironmentDetect: Detected boot environment:.
3. Once you find Detected Boot Environment, you will see it say
EFI or
The above is from https://www.easyuefi.com/resource/check-windows-is-booted-in-uefi-mode.html
Use Method 2 only, and you can search either under
Detected Boot Environment
It seems the author, as well as authors of a couple of videos out there, have not actually tried the msinfo32 option with Windows 7. Silly.
@Zactlx - how are you communicating to us, if Windows is down, and Linux does not work? What alternative are you using, for our best deployment of instructions?
@Tyr5150 - your method has merit,
if the OP can access internet facilities to download GParted Live .iso
and burn to disk. Likewise on Hiren's.
BUT (Wizard's but is never far behind him)
The OP already has access to a GParted "Live" version through his bootable Linux Mint Xfce stick.
Boot from the stick. At the Desktop,
do not choose to open the Installer.
Go to Menu and either start to type in
gparted and go from there, or it will be under System Tools or similar (haven't got a handy xfce on me)
Also under Accessories will be GNOME Screenshot, aka screenshot.
In GParted, take a couple of screenshots of your partitioning (set the timer in Screenshot for say, current window and show pointer - 10 seconds gives you time to think and point).
Default will be to save the pix to Pictures folder. You can establish an internet connection? Email the pictures to yourself, because the install stick will not save changes, they will be lost once you reboot.
Maybe your Hard Drive is broken?
Could be, a little early to say.
@Zactlx - In the "Live" Linux Mint environment, you can also open its File Manager - called "Thunar". From this, you can likely also access your Windows 7 environment to get that "Panther-setupact" info.
However, you can also boot into your BIOS setup utility using a function key at boot (let us know which one it is, of F2, F10, F12 or Delete), and see in Boot Sequence if you have an option for UEFI, AND one called one of CSM (Compatibility Support Module) or Legacy or BIOS.
I have to go do some other voodoo but I'll be back when able.
Good Luck
Chris Turner