Can't Install Linux


New Member
Jan 17, 2019
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So my Laptop was broken because of BSoD(Hard Drive Issues) and I was making a Bootable Linux USB(Both Ubuntu and Mint xmse)So that I can fix my Laptop because Windows 7 won't even boot
Mint xmse booted smoothly and I Tried to install it but it will always stuck on Preparing to Install Linux
The Mouse cursor will always be looping on responding and after a while a Unresponding message shows up
If I choose to wait the loop will continue endlessly

Same with Ubuntu

Is this because of the BSoD?
If thats the case how can I fix it?

G'day Zactix, and Welcome to

When you say "BSoD(Hard Drive Issues)".....what exactly does that mean/entail ?

Was the hard drive failing at some point ?

Give us some detail about that please.

Also, make and model of the laptop.
G'day Zactix, and Welcome to

When you say "BSoD(Hard Drive Issues)".....what exactly does that mean/entail ?

Was the hard drive failing at some point ?

Give us some detail about that please.

Also, make and model of the laptop.
BSoD Stands For Blue Screen of Dead
Which is something that is reffered to when your Pc's got Hardware error

No I don't think my Laptop was having a drive issues before then

One day I was just Opening steam trying to add friends then my Laptop freezes with a moveable mouse cursor
Then after a while a Blue screen showed
After doing some research
It appears that my Laptop has some Drive issues as it is stated in the blue screen I captured

My laptop is
Acer Aspire V3-471G
I know my laptop original OS is Windows 7
And this is a Linux forum
But the question Im asking is Why I can't Install linux


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I do understand bsod's etc etc .....I have been providing tech support on a windows forum for quite a few years.

I was wondering if there is any issue with the hard drive itself. It would appear the hard drive is opk, so we will proceed from there

Are you aware that installing Linux mint directly onto your hard drive will WIPE OUT your windows 7 ?

Is this Linux Mint 19 XFCE you are attempting to install ?....

Where did you download from? Did you verify that the download is 'clean' . (it is possible to get a corrupted download)

After LM (linux mint) boots from the usb stck....what happens ? LM usable...can you browse via firefox ? the internet connection working ?

Try again and write down the steps that happen when you click on "Install Linux Mint" on the desktop
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I downloaded xfce from the linux mint website
Because on the wiki it is said to be the most stable version while the Cinnamon is the most innovative

Yep I can Browse
It says no file were missing when I checked it using one of the tools

When I click Install Linux mint
A windows with language selection will show up
I choose english then clicked continue
Then a Keyboard layout selection
I Choose English(US)
Then Connecting to the wifi
No matter what I choose connecting and not connecting to the wifi does not change the result
Then here's where the problem come
Preparing to Install Linux
A checkbox of Installing third party software
Again my choice doesn't matter the result will be the same after I click continue my mouse cursor became responding and just loop there forever I can still do things but I can't do anything with the installation

The same problem also happens with Ubuntu it will also be stuck on the install third party software and a looping mouse
I am fairly sure your setup has UEFI

If you are still able to access the windows 7 install..... just open Start....and type in : msinfo32

Copy and paste the resulting information into your next post
I am fairly sure your setup has UEFI

If you are still able to access the windows 7 install..... just open Start....and type in : msinfo32

Copy and paste the resulting information into your next post
Can't even boot windows 7 or opening Command Prompt
My laptop OS is Windows 7
So It can't be the UEFI/EFI
It has nothing to do with your Operating System - it has to do with your BIOS.
I did It! it went past that section and after choosing to Erase my whole Disk!
It says I didn't have enough space left...
Where have we gone astray here, mate ?

How long is a piece of string? :confused::rolleyes:o_O

G'day to both of @Zactlx and @Tyr5150 and welcome to :)

Couple of corrections/modifications first and a couple of questions :D

.... just open Start....and type in : msinfo32

The UEFI/Legacy field, Brian, if that is what you are looking for, does not appear in Win 7's msinfo, it came in Win 8 / 10.

With Windows 7 through 10, you can examine the evidence as follows:

Method 2: Check if UEFI or Legacy BIOS Mode in setupact.log in Windows 7, 8, and 10
1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Windows\Panther, you will see a file named setupact.log.

2. Open the setupact.log file with notepad, click Ctrl + F to open the Find dialog, enter Callback_BootEnvironmentDetect: Detected boot environment: in the Find dialog to search for a line begin with Callback_BootEnvironmentDetect: Detected boot environment:.

3. Once you find Detected Boot Environment, you will see it say EFI or BIOS.



The above is from

Use Method 2 only, and you can search either under



Detected Boot Environment

It seems the author, as well as authors of a couple of videos out there, have not actually tried the msinfo32 option with Windows 7.

@Zactlx - how are you communicating to us, if Windows is down, and Linux does not work? What alternative are you using, for our best deployment of instructions?

@Tyr5150 - your method has merit, if the OP can access internet facilities to download GParted Live .iso and burn to disk. Likewise on Hiren's.

BUT (Wizard's but is never far behind him)

The OP already has access to a GParted "Live" version through his bootable Linux Mint Xfce stick.

Boot from the stick. At the Desktop, do not choose to open the Installer.

Go to Menu and either start to type in

gparted and go from there, or it will be under System Tools or similar (haven't got a handy xfce on me)

Also under Accessories will be GNOME Screenshot, aka screenshot.

In GParted, take a couple of screenshots of your partitioning (set the timer in Screenshot for say, current window and show pointer - 10 seconds gives you time to think and point).

Default will be to save the pix to Pictures folder. You can establish an internet connection? Email the pictures to yourself, because the install stick will not save changes, they will be lost once you reboot.

Maybe your Hard Drive is broken?

Could be, a little early to say.

@Zactlx - In the "Live" Linux Mint environment, you can also open its File Manager - called "Thunar". From this, you can likely also access your Windows 7 environment to get that "Panther-setupact" info.

However, you can also boot into your BIOS setup utility using a function key at boot (let us know which one it is, of F2, F10, F12 or Delete), and see in Boot Sequence if you have an option for UEFI, AND one called one of CSM (Compatibility Support Module) or Legacy or BIOS.

I have to go do some other voodoo but I'll be back when able.

Good Luck

Chris Turner
F2 or esc at startup get you into bios
you need to enable under boot. Enable UEFI Boot and PXE ROM . Then create a boot usb option. at least that's how I did it at first then I said screw it and did a full OEM install. Also how you have the files on the USB is the key I have a link in my sig to how I did mine. I followed everything to the last / oh yeah Bios doesn't care if it's Windows 30 Bios is Bios it see's nothing but what you tell it to see.
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If you can get into C:\windows\ you can delete partitions like this maybe in safe mode.
List partition select partition *c:\window\ ... the little start represents you have selected that drive.

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