My default file manager for LM Mate is "nemo". When I ran my LM Mate with i3 wm, nemo file manager is not cooperating.
Hello, my friend, let's get this right from the start.
Caja is default FM for MATE, not Nemo, Nemo is Cinnamon.
If you are going to use the i3 Window Manager, best person to ask might be Jas.
Ranger will work with it, but Ranger is command-line based (described as a console file manager), no GUI as I understand it.
PCmanfm and Thunar, possibly. I am speculating.
If you wish to try out File Managers that are different to that which was installed by default with your Distro of choice, by all means you can do so.
BUT (Wizard's but is never far behind him)
Do not delete or purge your existing FM, you will brick your Desktop Environment.
You can however delete an icon for it on your Panel or on your Desktop if you wish to put one for your new fave FM in its place, just don't delete the app.
So if you delete Nemo, you will brick Cinnamon, if you delete Caja you will brick MATE, if you delete Nautilus (aka Files), you will brick GNOME ... you get the picture.
Cheers, and good luck, Capta