

New Member
Apr 8, 2024
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Do you know if there is a facility that allows you to delete entire words by pressing the ctrl+backspace key?

If it's a bash shell, try ctrl+w to delete the word behind the cursor.
ctrl+backspace works the same as backspace.
Do you know if there is a facility that allows you to delete entire words by pressing the ctrl+backspace key?
need more information..... NEED INPUT...

what are you wanting to do with this? is it a word processor and a document? is it as mentioned above a terminal command. or is it the VI editor? your question is far to vague and you need to narrow it down a bit.

# Crear el archivo .Xmodmap si no existe
if [ ! -f ~/.Xmodmap ]; then
touch ~/.Xmodmap

# Agregar la configuración de Control+Backspace para borrar palabras completas
echo "keycode 22 = BackSpace" >> ~/.Xmodmap

# Asegurarse de que las configuraciones se carguen automáticamente al iniciar sesión
if ! grep -q "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" ~/.xprofile; then
echo "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" >> ~/.xprofile

# Aplicar la configuración actual
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

echo "La configuración de Control+Backspace se ha aplicado correctamente y se mantendrá en futuras sesiones."
You are the ones that knows!
I did it, with chat GPT, then I was trying to erase this threat, but well, :D we did it and I am very happy please do it too!

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